China shall, upon accession, bring into conformity with the TBT Agreement all technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures.
In this regard, those members noted the obligation of unilateral acceptance of the results of conformity assessment as described in Article 6.1 of the TBT Agreement.
In this part, it mainly introduced the content of this provision, reviewed the history of it and analyzed the relationship between this provision and the SPS and the TBT agreement.
Coordinately, the WTO should ameliorate "TBT Agreement" in order to mitigate the malignant effects of TBT on international trade.
The 2nd article of TBT Agreement has regulated on mandatory environmental labeling, while voluntary environmental labeling is regulated through Code of Good Conduct.
The 2nd article of TBT Agreement has regulated on mandatory environmental labeling, while voluntary environmental labeling is regulated through Code of Good Conduct.