This is my Chinese teacher told me in the first class.
The topic, to which we devoted a full discussion, is to be presented to our teacher at class.
We love Mr. Lin, our English teacher very much because he is capable of making the class interesting.
It is up to the monitor to manage the affairs of our class when the teacher goes out to attend meetings.
Taking notes in class is not writing down everything the teacher has said, but recording the key points of the teacher's words after comprehension.
The lady over there is our class teacher.
In Class 2, the Canadian teacher, Leonard, is sitting with Evie, 10, looking through history books so that they can decide what period she would like to study.
"When a teacher is trying to tone down a best-friend culture, I would like to know why," Dr. Thompson said. "is it causing misery for the class?"
If you are absent, you should call your teacher or someone who is in your class and ask for the assignment.
There’s always a cat-and-mouse relationship between a naughty student and a strict teacher. The student always wants to skip class, while the teacher is hot on attendance.
The teacher snapped at the class, "Class, you should be ashamed. Suzuki, who is new to our country, knows more about its history than you do."
My mom is an Algebra teacher and one day while in her class she complained that her laptop wouldn’t display on the projector.
But in the States I think students come to class to learn as much from each other as from the teacher, and so participation is viewed positively and seen as part of the unwritten contract.
My teacher has a“my way or the highway”attitude,but I still like him because his class is always interesting.
Tony emailed again, saying: "in my last class, the teacher announced that 'unasked-for criticism is the biggest killer of creativity."'
In the second place, we must acknowledge the very fact that no matter how small or big a class is, it is simply not that important as the teacher.
SAMIA ABDUL-KADIR: "It helps me because sometimes when we're doing it in class, I don't hear the teacher very much and I don't understand, but online is better.
This is my Chinese teacher me in the first class.
The research on teacher talk, especially English as teacher talk in English class, is important for English teaching practice and studies of pedagogy.
In a class, is on a physical class, female teachers just to finish: students, and who also do not understand, ask the teacher can give that.
SAMIA ABDUL-KADIR: "It helps me because sometimes when we're doing it in class, I don't hear the teacher very much and I don't understand, but online is better."
The teacher is satisfied with our satisfying performance in class, which can be seen from her satisfied expression on her face.
With a teaching machine, the individual student is responsible for his own learning while in a class, the learning is controlled by the teacher.
Finally the teacher calmly told me this title is the first question before exam, then asked me after class to explain to him why I answer on the paper is accurate.
Do the preparation before, and exercises well after class, do homework without carelessness. To make good progress, is the biggest reward to the teacher.
Everybody in the class (besides the teacher) except li Ming himself thinks that the composition is very good except for some spelling mistakes.
The woman teacher is kind to every student in her class.
The woman teacher is kind to every student in her class.