The convert with the temporal method is the other way round. Two issues are worthy of attention; the management of the profit and loss in the foreign currency accounting statement convert and the ann…
Temporal database of land use was used to manage increment data in effect and to retrieve the historical data of land use by the method of plot flow.
Experimental results prove that this method is practical and the probability of recognition is higher than with single temporal or spatial fusion before.
Using the temporal energy data, and connecting traditional difference method with medicinal general knowledge, the thesis makes the recognition for heart sounds.
Conclusion: HRCT can make a clear show of temporal bone lesions, and it is the best examining method at present.
Method temporal flap dissection undersurface the superficial layer of deep temporal fascia first, then subcutaneously beyond hairline in temporal area, forming a step by step dissection plane.
The paper presents a method of controlling the open flow that works by applying spatial and temporal periodic pulses to the system variables.
Existing temporal component extraction method USES multiple regression analysis (MRA) after the application of temporal PCA to estimate the amplitude of resultant components and thus made it up.
Applying this method to earthquake sequence, the events with similar focal mechanism can be grouped, and temporal average correlation coefficient curve of earthquake sequences can be obtained.
The spatial-temporal correlativity analysis method has an important application value in the study on bio-environmental space differentiation.
A method for modeling imprecise temporal aspects of discrete-event systems, extended interval temporal logic, is proposed, which is an extension of the traditional point-interval temporal logic.
The fuzzy similarity method and fuzzy clustering method have been used to identify the seismic gaps and examine the similarity in temporal variation of seismic activity.
A summary is made of the method of treatment for anastomotic leakage. Conservative treatment or conservative treatment plus temporal transverse colostomy is advocated.
Thus, the choice of translation methods exists in temporal method and current rate method.
A new router-aided multicast network tomography method is proposed to estimate the spatial-temporal distribution of network performance.
With certain communication system parameters the temporal and spatial distributions of the received signal from submerged platform are simulated using Monte Carlo method.
To improve the Signal-to-noise Ratio(SNR) and detecting probability of small target in infrared image sequences, a novel method of target detection based on spatial-temporal filtering is proposed.
The proposed method incorporates a spatial subband array with temporal subband multirate filters and obtains the advantages of spatial and temporal subband systems.
Because of considering the temporal masking effects to set up a threshold and the valid hop size of transient points, this method is very suitable for perceptual audio coding.
In this paper, we give a temporal er - method - based data model, that is the temporal Entity Relationship model (TER).
本文给出了一个基于E- R方法的时态数据模型,即时态实体-关系(TER)模型。
A spatial and temporal multiple scale method is studied to simulate the phenomenon of non-Fourier heat conduction in periodic heterogeneous materials.
Conclusion Repairing facial and cervical skin soft tissue defect with the superficial temporal vessel expanded prefabricated flaps is a feasible method.
Meanwhile, by temporal analysis method, the author calculates the relationship between T-type and L-type torsion and local deformation of plane irregular house structure arrangement.
Aiming at the problems of verifying PNO, this paper introduces temporal logic to PNO model and presents a modeling and verifying method based on PNO with precise marking.
A new theory for studying temporal aberrations of dynamic electron optical imaging systems by the direct integral method (DIM) is put forward.
The spatial and temporal scanning has been done for all the located earthquakes occurred in Shandong province and neighboring area since 1970 by the modulated earthquake method.
The spatial and temporal scanning has been done for all the located earthquakes occurred in Shandong province and neighboring area since 1970 by the modulated earthquake method.