But the painting is called The Dreamer.
The dreamer, the joyous oarsman, lay on his back at the bottom of the boat, his heels in the air.
The only problem is that there is no way to verify the accuracy of those images, since only the dreamer ever "sees" them.
The problem, however: Only the dreamer knows if the reproductions are accurate.
The fever-patient, like the dreamer, is assailed by reminiscences from the remote past; what the waking and healthy man seems to have forgotten is recollected in sleep and in disease.
While one is a dreamer, the other is an analyst. While one is emotional the other is detached!
You naturally experience this level of consciousness when having a lucid dream - you know that you're the dreamer and everything in the dream is taking place within your consciousness.
In fact there is some evidence that in lucid dreams, at least, the perception of time in similar to that when the dreamer is awake.
And if the dreamer then actually carries out such an action in real life, he or she might conclude that the dream predicted the future.
While there are universal themes, the symbols in a dream depend on the dreamer.
The normal muscle paralysis that accompanies dreams is gone, leaving the dreamer, who is most often male, to act out the dream's punches, twists and yells.
In other words, the dreamer engages in an action in his or her dream that the dreamer would really like to engage in-sort of a test drive-and imagines via the dream how people might respond to it.
In them the personal character ceases; the dreamer is remanded to his type.
The translation is that Lisa, the dreamer, is putting an end to the secrecy of her husband's addiction.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.
In both, the inhibitory clause that forbids evil is off, but the dreamer is not bidden to do evil as the maniac is, or as the malefactor often seems to be.
In such a relationship one is always the dreamer, and it falls to the other to be the practical party.
This, or something like it, the mind of the dreamer struggles to establish, with a good deal of anxious appeal to the by-standers and a final sense of the hopelessness of the cause.
After recalling the nightmare in detail, the dreamer writes out the new script and envisions it several times a day.
They thus believe that the source of dreams is a deeper reality outside the psyche of the dream, whereas analysts tend to view dreams as the product of the unconscious mental life of the dreamer.
Provided one hits on the right idea on the right occasion, one may solve dreams of this kind, either completely or in part, independently of any statements made by the dreamer.
Called NovaDreamer, the device is a sleep mask that knows when to give cues — flashing lights — to the dreamer to stimulate awareness, but not wake him.
When the Beautiful Dreamer had been in the planning stages, the crew decided two things: that they'd remain on a 24-hour day, and they'd follow the western calendar.
The naive judgment of the dreamer on waking assumes that the dream- even if it does not come from another world- has at all events transported the dreamer into another world.
With some knowledge of the personal relations of the dreamer, I was able to interpret parts of it independently of her.
Moreover, it appeared to them that dreams must serve a special purpose in respect of the dreamer; that, as a rule, they predicted the future.
There is no more violent prodigal than the avaricious man who takes the bit in his teeth; there is no man more terrible in action than a dreamer.
Initially, colony vessels like the Dreamer kept three or four people awake to handle backup problems, but the monotony put them at each other's throats.
最初,像“梦想者号”这样 的殖民飞船都会留下三到四个醒着的船员,以便处理各种后备问题,但是单调的旅程让他们丢掉了大半条性命。
Initially, colony vessels like the Dreamer kept three or four people awake to handle backup problems, but the monotony put them at each other's throats.
最初,像“梦想者号”这样 的殖民飞船都会留下三到四个醒着的船员,以便处理各种后备问题,但是单调的旅程让他们丢掉了大半条性命。