Kate, the Today Show host, had a question for them.
This time I mean it, " he claimed on The Today Show on Aug 15."
It's been on major TV shows like 'The Today show' and 'The View.'
They had been on the Today show that morning to talk about my predicament.
"He is a miracle... I just love him so much," Ms Esquibel said on NBC's The Today Show.
One of my best friends is a petite peppy blonde you’ve seen lots of times on the Today show.
Stevie Wonder heard about our appearance on the Today show, and decided to check out the story himself.
I tell him Stallone enlightened Matt Lauer on the Today Show, that "it takes the wear and tear" from the body.
While we waited for gymnastics, we walked to the area where NBC is originating the Today Show each day during the Olympics.
In Toyota V.P. Jim Lentz 'appearance on the Today show, he claimed that issues with the friction arm go back to only October of 2009.
Shortly after the announcement, I was invited on the Today show, which was a little nerve-racking since we only had one working reading machine.
I don't think you'd ever get Hayek on the Today show, but you could get Reagan explaining the core of Hayek with better examples and in more understandable language.
If there is a little bit of laughter that you cannot quite cut out It's like the Today Show and the cameraman cannot help at laugh and then the boom drops in the frame
In Monmouth County, N. J. , two passengers buses were stuck after stranded cars on ramps blocked the path of snow plows, a state police spokesman told NBC's "The Today Show."
But when the Today show had her on the air to discuss her subway decision, interviewer Ann Curry turned to the camera and asked, "is she an enlightened mom or a really bad one?"
After singing on Sunday night's X Factor show, the 48-year-old flew to the US where she wowed the audience on the Today show with a performance at the Rockefeller Plaza in New York.
When Chua appeared Jan. 11 on the Today show, the usually sunny host Meredith Vieira could hardly contain her contempt as she read aloud a sample of viewer comments: "She's a monster";
When asked recently on the Today Show how he cured himself of his addiction, Two and a Half Men sitcom star Charlie Sheen replied, "I closed my eyes and made it so with the power of my mind."
His work has been showcased extensively through the media such as on the Today show, Good Morning America, Inside Edition as well as multiple publishers and newspapers in the U.S. and abroad.
There are many purveyors of "high end" jerky, including Jeff's Famous and Gary West Artisan Smoked Meats — whose angus beef-based product The Today Show once dubbed "the Rolls Royce of jerky.
市场上有许多“高端”牛肉干供应商,如Jeff'sFamous和GaryWest手工烟肉——《今日秀》节目曾将Gary West的安格斯牛肉产品称为“牛肉干中的劳斯莱斯”。
She appeared on The Today Show this morning, and though she has not revealed how many bookings she has confirmed in light of her 2012 haircut, she said that the exposure is a good thing in itself.
10月21日她参加了美国NBC电视台的著名节目《今日秀》。 她没有向记者透露,由于2012年剪短了头发她签订了多少预约,只是说,曝光率本身是一件好事。
Figures published today show another fall in the rate of inflation.
You ought to show me the door today; but I don't believe you know!
Today's presentation will show how we see the development of the motor car in the short to medium term, and that is why we have invited all of you here today.
Overwhelmingly, the results show that today, the idea of the American dream—and what it takes to achieve it—looks quite different than it did in the late 20th century.
It was not an easy task for her to turn an ancient classic into a one-hour stage show that connects with the people of today.
Studies show that, today, about 120 million people are attracted to Wushu around the world.
Today's presentation will show how we see the development of the motor car in the short-to-medium term, and that is why we have invited all of you here today.
The classics show that the problems of today are not new, and that a person can still be happy despite his circumstances.
The classics show that the problems of today are not new, and that a person can still be happy despite his circumstances.