Residual bagging height contributes up to 94% of the total variance in the perception of fabric bagging.
Construct validity was appraised by factor analysis, and 6 factors were identified. These factors could explain 66.76 % of the total variance.
The validity was assessed by factor analysis and 2 factors were obtained, which accounting for 57.6%and 12.0%of the total variance, respectively.
The two subscales had good discriminating ability and were confirmed by factor analysis, anxiety and avoidance could explain 21.28 and 11.20 of the total variance.
At the same time, the influence of topographical factors, spatial factors and their interaction on the total variance of Landscape pattern were quantitatively partitioned.
Overall main component, the overall calculation of the main component, the nature of the overall component, the main component of the covariance matrix and the total variance.
Results:Exploratory principle factor analysis of the items indicated that the scale had two factors-striving for high goals and minding mistakes, explaining 51.6% of the total variance.
The results suggested that the contribution of the 3 asepects was 4.465%, 15.659% and 3.78% respectively. The total variance explained were 23.906% by the topography and 76.094% of the va…
Stepwise regression analysis demonstrated that boundary ambiguity, uncertainty and mother's age are predictors of a mother's depression which account for 21.49% of the total variance of depression.
The genetic constitution of sister line and sister species made up the smaller proportion of the total crosses variance, but it had larger differences among the ear characters.
In this analysis, the degree of variability was quantified as the ratio of surgeon induced variance over total variance for the questions.
For the litter size, estimates of the proportion of total variance accounted for by paternally and maternally transmitted gametes were 1.1% and 2.3% respectively.
The accumulative variance contribution of the first three principal components was 35.7%. The first principal component encompassed only 20.22% of the total variation.
The work of the paper studied to replace the current practice of characterizing strand evenness by an internal uneven variance coefficient with a total internal and external one.
According to the homogeneity test for error variance on total-effect random model with three factors in double repeated experiment, the specific formulae of test statistics and test rule are deduced.
Molecular variance (AMOVA) analysis indicated that a high proportion of the total genetic variance was attributable to variations within populations (76.45%).
Aiming at stop loss reinsurance, this paper derives optimal pricing model of reinsurance on the basis of total claim amount using mean-variance premium principle and utility theory.
The total of raw materials, labor and overhead costs is allocated to a single unit. It is mainly used in inventory valuation and margin variance analysis.
The paper concludes that earned value method can be applied in the analysis of the total cost variance in land development and consolidation projects.
Method Cochran's classic sampling theo- ries, the improved randomized response technique(RRT) model, total probability formulas and properties of variance were used in this paper.
The final scale included 12 items and contained four dimensions:professional expectation, professional volition, professional value, and professional efficacy, with 63.053% total variance explained;
The final scale included 12 items and contained four dimensions:professional expectation, professional volition, professional value, and professional efficacy, with 63.053% total variance explained;