Introduces the transfer matrix method for torsion of circular shaft.
The transfer matrix method and the truncation technique are employed.
The transfer matrix method is implemented with the computer algebra language.
This paper introduces the transfer matrix method for bending analyses of beams.
By using the transfer matrix method, we calculated the quantum energy levels and emission current.
The strength is calculated by the transfer matrix method and stability is computed by spline energy method.
Firstly, acoustic waves propagation in ID quasi-periodic system is studied by means of the transfer matrix method.
The transfer matrix method is used to study optical comb filter properties of one-dimensional multilayer photonic crystal.
The transfer matrix method for the bending and stability of the variable section beams with shear deformation is presented.
The transfer matrix method is generalized to analyse the dynamic behavior of one-dimensional lattice structures of any complexity.
First, a comparison study between two modal analysis method namely the transfer matrix method and finite element method is carried out.
Both the transfer functions of "series-coupled" and "parallel-coupled" multi-ring high order filters are derived using the transfer matrix method.
The simulated results are consistent with those derived by the mean field theory with the transfer matrix method, and well explain the experimental facts.
Comparisons of the analytical result and calculating examples show that the transfer matrix method given by this paper has a better accuracy and ap - plication.
By applying the transfer matrix method to the finite strip method the more simultaneous frequency equation is thus simplified to a two-frequency equation problem.
Reflection phase properties of one-dimensional photonic crystals(PhCs)with mu-negative or double-negative materials are investigated by the transfer matrix method.
This paper presents the theory and method of analyzing horizontal-torsion-coupled dynamic behavior of a ship hull with large hatch opening by the transfer matrix method.
This paper establishes a fluid dynamic equation for a reciprocating pump-piping hydraulic system with the transfer matrix method and deduces all the transfer matrixes of the subsystems.
By the transfer matrix method, the resonant splitting for ballistic conductance of a two-dimension electron gas is studied in the presence of an inhomogeneous perpendicular magnetic field.
The fundamental solutions for displacements and stress components of the layered soil due to unit internal ring loading are first derived with integral transforms and the transfer matrix method.
Based on pile-to-pile interaction factors, the transfer matrix method is used to establish the dynamic model of partially embedded pile groups, while the pile is treated as dynamic Winkler beam.
The transfer matrix method is used to calculate the band structures of 1D crystals with complex dielectric constant, in this paper, The authors put emphasis on the case of negative imaginary part.
When using the method, state transfer matrix is applied to produce the constraints, which can reduce the error from numerical method.
Applying transfer matrix method to the complex rotor system, the critical speed and the vibrating model of a high - speed spinning winding chuck are analyzed.
The transmission spectrum of multiple quantum well structure with thickness-modulated dual-period was studied by means of transfer matrix method.
By using transfer matrix method of multibody system and launch dynamics theory, the relations between the firing orders and performance of MLRS were established.
In the third part, the concept of coupling element is derived from the vibration analysis of a four-degree spring-oscillator system, and a whole transfer matrix method is developed on the basis of it.
The key of this method is to apply the state transfer matrix between the initial state and the end state for iteration.
Transfer-matrix method is a useful tool. It mainly applies in the substructure enumeration of graphs which have good recurring structures and the substructure has prescribed properties.
Transfer-matrix method is a useful tool. It mainly applies in the substructure enumeration of graphs which have good recurring structures and the substructure has prescribed properties.