Here Hirst reminds the viewer of the transience of life.
Having failed to realize their ideals, they sighed sorrowfully for the transience of life.
He was deeply disturbed by what he saw, and began to question the nature and causes of suffering and the transience of life.
The bubble series, a performance series that was initiated in 1997 and makes use of specially designed plastic bubbles, discusses the transience of life and the endless cycle of life and death.
始创于1997年的泡泡系列,其表演所用的泡泡都是特别设计的塑料制品。 这些作品探讨了生命的变化莫测和生死无常。 这些主题也在其近期作品中有所体现。
The life and these things than it is like the transience of things.
The Bubbles Series serve as a reference to the Chinese traditional concept of qi (air, gas) and as a symbol of the transience of the human life cycle.
“泡泡系列” 展示了中国传统对“气”的概念,同时暗示了生命的暂时性。
The Bubbles Series serve as a reference to the Chinese traditional concept of qi (air, gas) and as a symbol of the transience of the human life cycle.
“泡泡系列” 展示了中国传统对“气”的概念,同时暗示了生命的暂时性。