In practical terms, this means that we do not have to wait until the Tree-Planting Day to plant a tree for the betterment of environment.
I like spring best, because I can see many beautiful flowers and the green glass, and I can plant trees on the Tree-planting Day in spring.
The National Arbor Day Foundation has challenged many cities to earn its "Tree City USA" flag by planting and protecting more trees.
Uh, well , on the, on the tree planting day and my , my family and I we went to the suburbs of Beijing and we planted serval trees there and I hope these young trees are still alive now .
It's tree planting day today the Young Pioneers are planting trees on the hill.
I entered for a Tree Planting activity which was held by College of Engineering the other day. Today we've started eventually.
Rabbi Johanan said:... One day he was journeying on the road and he saw a man planting a carob tree.
Day by day, week by week, your relationship will grow, slowly, like a tree sprouting from a seed, planting it's roots firmly in the soil.
According to the length of time, people have Tree-planting Day, week or month to plant trees, and all of them call Tree-planting Day.
The Arbor Day Foundation can tell you how to plant a tree in someone's name as a gift, donate a tree in someone's honor, or memorialize a loved one by planting a tree.
Check out the NADF (National Arbor Day Foundation) online to find out more about planting a tree in your area or how to volunteer in an urban center.
Hundreds of students were planting trees on the hill on Tree-Planting Day.
Tomb Sweeping Day tree planting custom, originated in the Dai Liu insert willow customs.
Since the 1980s large-scale publicity activities have been organized all over the country every year on World Environment Day, Tree Planting Day, Love the Birds Week, etc.
80年代以来,每年的“世界环境日”、“植树节”、“ 爱鸟周”等,全国各地都组织大规模的宣传活动。
Yesterday was tree Planting day. The teachers asked us to plant trees at the corner of our playground. At 3:00 in the afternoon, we got there.
Not only China has a Tree Planting Day, according to statistcs, more than 50 countries have the world's Abor Day, but a different name for.
植树节并不是中国独有的,在全球50多个国家都有该节日,只不过名字不同。 如日本 称其为“树木节”和“绿化周”; 以色列称“树木的新年日”;
Not only China has a Tree Planting Day, according to statistcs, more than 50 countries have the world's Abor Day, but a different name for.
植树节并不是中国独有的,在全球50多个国家都有该节日,只不过名字不同。 如日本 称其为“树木节”和“绿化周”; 以色列称“树木的新年日”;