So don't forget to make a wish while throwing a coin into the Trevi Fountain.
Through Rome we sail, climbing the Spanish Steps and visiting the Trevi Fountain, where I take a photo.
Explore the ancient side streets and piazzas of Italy's capital - just like Audrey Hepburn - but don't forget to throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain.
During two days sightseeing in Rome, choose from among the monumental attractions of the Colosseum, Vatican City, Pantheon, Spanish Steps and the Trevi Fountain.
It is difficult to picture the Eiffel Tower, the Trevi fountain or the gates to Buckingham Palace without also picturing throngs of camera-toting Japanese tourists.
Hours later tourists watched as a man threw a rock at the famous Trevi Fountain in the centre of the city.
Later, when I want to change the film, in my rush I open the camera on the partially shot roll and shriek, "I just ruined my Trevi Fountain stories."
Later, when I want to change the film, in my rush I open the camera on the partially shot roll and shriek, "I just ruined my Trevi Fountain stories."