Most cases go no further than the trial court: for example, the criminal defendant is convicted (by a trial or a guilty plea) and sentenced by the court and the case ends.
The trial court granted the county sheriff permission to deposit the money that was found into the sheriff's training fund.
For example, in the federal system the trial court is the United States District court, of which there is at least one in every state.
The trial court found that since the landlord had not transferred the "right to possession" no landlord-tenant relationship was created.
Jury system is that the trial court in cases involves person with non - legal profession into the courts, and give them the same exercise jurisdiction in the trial.
Usually the name that appears first is the name of the original plaintiff in the trial court, but in some jurisdictions it is the name of the party taking the appeal.
After the record from the trial court is compiled, the appellant will file a brief with legal arguments and citations to specific pages in the record from the trial court.
A court in Zimbabwe is due to deliver its verdict today in a trial of a journalist who works for the British newspaper the Guardian.
The trial was adjourned following the presentation of new evidence to the court.
AT last the sleepy atmosphere was stirred—and vigorously: the murder trial came on in the court.
The court has yet to issue formal indictments, and the proceedings remain in the pre-trial phase.
Hundreds of Jackson fans gathered outside court earlier as the trial began.
If you want the court — the trial — to go ahead, separate the two cases.
Walker heard 13 days of testimony and arguments since January during the first trial in federal court to examine if states can prohibit gays from getting married.
The trial dragged on for many years; he was cleared in 2006, but an appeal court then reopened the case.
The court stenographer registered the trial proceedings.
But in a trial, he fight with the litigant on court.
Nonetheless, supporters of the court passionately believe that the trial marks a profound moment in modern Cambodian history.
During her trial, the court heard that Glen communicated through a computer by tapping on symbols on the screen.
The final decision on whether to put the magistrate on trial is still due, but some Supreme Court judges seem happy to see him in the dock.
Thus, the typical court case begins in a trial court-a court of general jurisdiction -in the state or federal system.
At the trial, where an American court would consider questions of intent, the Japanese court based its ruling on whether Kimiko was in love.
I knew they would do a wonderful job investigating but I was thinking ahead to the trial, with me in court as the victim.
I knew they would do a wonderful job investigating but I was thinking ahead to the trial, with me in court as the victim.