The original mobile game is still wildly popular, and now there are plush toys on the market and movie and TV deals in the works.
While we will probably still be watching the majority of video on TV sets, users will care less and less whether it is coming from their cable company or ISP.
By switching on the TV you fool your body into thinking it's still daytime, this is caused by the huge backlight in the TV.
Despite the increase in TV watching, reading is still an important leisure activity in Britain and there is a very large number of magazines and books published on a wide variety of subjects.
Don't let the TV, computer, A/C switch on at the stand-by mood 24 hours which is still has power consumption.
You are still worried about what is happening around you, you are so involved in the illusion that surrounds you at home, at work, which is shown on TV.
We have not seen much of He Haixia on the TV or in the newspapers, but as rumor from Beijing has it, he is still around.
The US TV thriller Prison Break is set to begin its third season this September, and it's still one of the top shows on Chinese fan's list.
The US TV thriller Prison Break is set to begin its third season this September, and it's still one of the top shows on Chinese fan's list.