For the unitary transformation, one of the most important characteristic quantity is fidelity.
The properties of the weak-coupling bound polaron in quantum well are studied using the linear combination operator and the unitary transformation method.
The influences of Coulomb field on the properties of strong-coupling polaron in a parabolic quantum wire are studied by using the linear combination operator and the unitary transformation methods.
After the matter has come to your home, quantum computing does this kind of unitary transformation to the mass, using the same material to reconstruct it.
The discussions and results mentioned above can also be transplanted to unitary transformation.
The key problems about how to implement a modified ESB algorithm via a unitary transformation are discussed.
The relations of the ground state energy with the coefficient of dispersion, strength and magnetic field strength are derived by using linear-combination operator and unitary transformation method.
The vibration frequency and effective mass of strong - and weak-coupling bound polaron was derived by using improved linear combination operator and unitary transformation methods.
By exploiting a general unitary transformation, the fidelity of clones is derived.
Method of the time dependent unitary transformation is one of powerful tools for the study of the time dependent system.
The properties of bound magnetopolaron with strong electron-LO phonon coupling were studied using a linear combination operator and a unitary transformation method in an asymmetry quantum dot.
We discuss a modified ESB algorithm via a unitary transformation. The algorithm has the overall computational load reduced extremely by means of a unitary transformation.
Furthermore, we make some improvements on the method of super complex number space transformation, and bring forth a unitary color difference edge detection method.
The variational relations of the internal excited states of polaron with coupling strength and magnetic field were derived by using the linear combination operator and unitary transformation methods.
Some properties of the strong- and weak-coupling polaron in an asymmetry quantum dot are studied by the linear combination operator and unitary transformation methods.
The unitary iris image is carried out through the transformation from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates.
Interactions not contained in the original Hamiltonian are generated by this unitary transformation. With an average field approximation, we can close the flow equations.
The way of loading message is that Alice does transformation operation on the first qubit unitary respectively, and the Bell measurement results of quantum bits are the signature of a message.
加载消息的方法是Alice在TA规定量子比特串序列下,分别对拥有的量子比特对的第一个量子比特进行么正变换操作而进行。 对拥有的量子比特对进行的Bell测量结果是消息的签名。
The way of loading message is that Alice does transformation operation on the first qubit unitary respectively, and the Bell measurement results of quantum bits are the signature of a message.
加载消息的方法是Alice在TA规定量子比特串序列下,分别对拥有的量子比特对的第一个量子比特进行么正变换操作而进行。 对拥有的量子比特对进行的Bell测量结果是消息的签名。