What you consider real is the unreality created by you, and those who have seized your power.
The unreality of stardom - being surrounded by fans and those on the celebrity’s payroll - can cloud judgment.
The compatibility of the two expressions lie in merely pursuing the reality of fact, avoiding the possible falsity of fact and the unreality of fact.
Does one despair because one has observed the fallacy of these divisive processes, the unreality of these fictions, myths, fantasies which have no basis?
Certainly she will remember the unreality of the last weeks of this particular baseball season—from a communiyu counting magic numbers to a magic community feeling.
After the analysis of the situation of the weak in literature intersubjective theory, we try to move on to the big social background to see the unreality of the existence of the weak.
But then we were not being singled out, the entire country lives in a bubble of unreality, cut off from the outside world and watched by an army of informers.
Chloe studies these tickets with a sense of unreality, as if she is watching herself on a movie set, frowning for the camera.
Chloe studies these tickets with a sense of unreality, as if she is watching herself on a movie set, frowning for the camera. But her mind is seething with questions.
Despite the crisis, a sense of unreality prevails.
The firewhisky seared Harry's throat. It seemed to burn feeling back into him, dispelling the numbness and sense of unreality, firing him with something that was like courage.
The lingering dusk fuels a faint air of unreality.
The ego rushes in frantically to establish its own ideas there, fearful that the void may otherwise be used to demonstrate its own impotence and unreality.
The media have also abetted the feeling of unreality.
This unreality has become real to the dreamer, to the observer who thinks of himself as separate.
It is the very heart of this real society's unreality.
The leprosy of unreality disfigured every human creature in attendance upon Monseigneur.
We tested the reality and objectivity of the fiscal information in the hospital economic activities and posed the methods for solving the fiscal unreality.
Whatever the cultural differences between them, they both sniff in any official world the smell of an unreality in which persons are treated as statistics.
You have given me the means to prove its unreality to me.
His recent works confuse the line of reality and unreality, change the physical presence of substances, and alienate existences between the image and the reality.
So this is why in my the road of life that feeling so much of unreality …
She was so young and the world was so beautiful that there came over her a sense of unreality as she read again and again the priest's letter.
The strangest thing is that my grandmother sustained the house with her sense of unreality.
谁也想不到,外祖母正是靠着她 脱离 现实 的性格才得以维持全家生计。
The strangest thing is that my grandmother sustained the house with her sense of unreality.
谁也想不到,外祖母正是靠着她 脱离 现实 的性格才得以维持全家生计。