Every candidate funded by the US Chamber of Commerce got elected.
The us Chamber of Commerce, a business lobby, says the FCPA also deters foreign mergers and acquisitions.
The US chamber of commerce expressed nervousness over the prospect of America's credit rating being downgraded.
Speaking earlier at the US Chamber of Commerce in Seoul, Clinton said that the pact would strengthen the US-South Korea alliance.
The us Chamber of Commerce claimed it would "dramatically expand the number of frivolous and otherwise questionable" lawsuits against employers.
Despite his green credentials, Mr Bryson's appointment was welcomed by Tom Donohue, head of the US Chamber of Commerce, who seldom finds anything praiseworthy in what Mr Obama does.
抛开他绿色资历不说,美国商会会长Tom Donohue对布莱森的任命表示欢迎,他很少对奥巴马所做的事情有所称赞。
Now, to tell us more about Harrogate, I have with me Tom Percival, President of the Chamber of Commerce.
“It is an important economic boost, and makes us feel uniquely Western, ” says Tom Clark of the chamber of commerce.
M. C. is on the board of directors of Caterpillar (China) Investment Co., Ltd., a member of the US-China Business Council and American-Chamber of Commerce.
One of the Ten Outstanding Young Americans - the US Junior Chamber of Commerce.
One of the Ten Outstanding Young Americans - the US Junior Chamber of Commerce.