The US senate vote against the proposal.
Since then the bill has not been taken up by the US Senate.
As for the (bad) news from the US Senate, they are not that surprising.
Q: the US Senate will deliberate on the RMB exchange rate-related bill next week.
At least the US Senate can be partisan when it comes to sanctioning foreign countries.
Filibuster is possible in the us senate, because the rules of the senate allow unlimited debate.
In 2004, he became the third African American since Reconstruction to be elected to the US Senate.
We spoke on the same day as the news came from the US Senate, so I emailed him after for his reaction.
The US Senate has passed a bill providing the most sweeping overhaul of financial regulations since the 1930s.
A key to any agreement is for the US Senate to ratify a climate bill before the country's negotiators go to Copenhagen.
The filibuster procedure in the us Senate has been used over many years to prevent decisions on many sensible matters.
If the momentum can be maintained, Obama has a fighting chance of finding support in the US Senate to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
When the Kyoto protocol was adopted in 1997, Clinton did not even send it to the US Senate for ratification, knowing that it would be rejected.
Following years of lobbying by bricks-and-mortar stores, the US Senate is expected today to pass a bill that would help end tax-free online shopping.
As New Scientist went to press, the us Senate was preparing to vote on whether regulation of the cigarette industry should be handed over to the FDA.
A group of computer hackers, known as Lulz Security, say they are disbanding after targeting official American websites, such as the cia and the US Senate.
攻击CIA和美国参议院等美国官方网站之后,电脑黑客组织“鲁尔兹安全”(Lulz Security)表示他们将解散。
Then there is the question of what China might do in response to the Schumer/ Graham draft bill in the US senate to impose a 27.5 per cent tariff on Chinese imports.
此外,美国参议员查尔斯·舒默(Charles Schumer)和林塞·格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)起草了一项法案,提议对中国进口商品征收27.5%的关税,中国对此会做何反应呢?
In Massachusetts, tea party organizers helped to funnel money and manpower to state Sen. Scott Brown's successful bid for the late Ted Kennedy's seat in the us Senate.
While the US Senate has backed off on climate legislation, China is considering launching emissions-trading programmes within five years, write Alexander Ochs and Haibing ma.
The US Senate is taking procedural votes on competing bills aimed at avoiding the across-the-board spending cuts known as the sequester, which are set to take effect tomorrow.
The plan, which comprises a mixture of tax cuts and public spending measures intended to create jobs, is due to go before the US senate shortly and could be enacted by mid-February.
US Senate has passed a landmark bill aimed at ending the country's huge budget deficits within the next seven years.
Last week, Reid whistled through the Senate, by voice vote, a bill to put us on that escalator.
The US pressure rose yesterday when John Kerry offered a stark choice: agree an inspection regime or risk the prospects of getting a crucial climate change law through the Senate.
Negotiators were largely going with a Senate version that is much less restrictive, saying the US would abide by its international trade commitments.
Negotiators were largely going with a Senate version that is much less restrictive, saying the US would abide by its international trade commitments.