The US is not worried whether China will sell the US Treasury bonds it holds, for the Fed can buy them back.
The dollar fell to an all-time low against Swiss franc while gold touched a record high. Long-dated US Treasury bonds weakened while global stocks remained under pressure.
As if to underline the point, yields on US Treasury bonds actually fell in the days after the downgrade, as investors fled to them as a haven.
Let's remember, until the last few weeks, those bonds paid more than US Treasury rates.
According to analysis from JP Morgan, the downgrading means interest rates for US Treasury bonds could increase by 60 to 70 basis points.
Yes: after the Great Crash of 1929 and the subsequent banking crisis, the US Federal Reserve made large-scale purchases of Treasury bonds, beginning in 1932, to keep yields low.
News of the war in Libya and the tsunami in Japan has depressed yields on US Treasury bonds, as well as the prices of assets such as stocks and (non-oil) commodities.
The central bank, he said, could also buy more state bonds issued by other major economies and decrease holdings of US Treasury bills.
In spite of the rhetoric, the relationship between the us and China remains in large part defined by China's status as the world's biggest holder of us Treasury bonds.
Because there is as yet no reliable and liquid bond market in the emerging world to flee to, scared investors put their money into us Treasury bonds and a few other rich-country havens instead.
Ferguson, however, expressed concern over the possible selling of us Treasury bonds.
I would own Treasury bonds, the Euro, energy stocks, and US pharmaceuticals.
Since the Fed is determined to print $1 trillion to buy back its Treasury bonds, the US' bond market will not suffer much if China indeed sells some of the bonds it holds.
Since the Fed is determined to print $1 trillion to buy back its Treasury bonds, the US' bond market will not suffer much if China indeed sells some of the bonds it holds.