The research on branch prediction includes the use of history information, branch instruction address mapping and state transition.
This article mainly discusses the basic requirements in the use of history teaching language-give a brief discussion to language vivacity.
Given these inadequacies, it is clear why the case history use of court records is to be preferred.
In the long history of mankind, humans who use numbers are a very small minority.
The entire history of resource use and extraction has followed this pattern without deviation.
The commentators who explain what caused share-price movements use their knowledge of recent stockmarket history to come up with good stories.
You should use this option to save space on the analysis database when the details of the output table of older runs are no longer needed, while keeping the run history of the rule.
The thing that surprised me most when I asked people why they use location-based social networks is how many of them say they use it primarily to track their own personal history.
These amazing pens have a great history of being approved for use in space, since they effortlessly write in the gravity free vacuum of space, and at any Angle.
While we cannot interfere with the browser's history, we can build one of our own for use in our RIAs.
The use of data around history, demand, booking pace, segmentation, and competitive intelligence will help move revenue management decisions from "I think we should."..
The longer that unproven therapies stay on the market, the greater is the risk that a history of use can be framed as evidence of safety and efficacy.
In this scenario, server-side actions can use a server-side navigation history of visited pages to return the user to the correct previous page.
The policy underwriters in the insurance industry use a potential client's driving history as one of the factors to determine risks.
Use the agent service interface to receive information from the agent, for example, reports of agent information, private situations, and history.
The future history books might record that we were deprived of the use of our eyes.
In addition, a twin who suffered from depression and who took anti-depressant medication for the condition looked "significantly older" than a twin who had no history of anti-depressant use.
For most of human history, the labor of men and animals was the sole source of energy, and that placed significant limits on how much energy we could use.
The team can also use burndown reports to keep track of how work is progressing and to view the history of their progress.
"It's not common for bees to use parts of plants for nests," says Dr. Jerome Rozen of the American Museum of Natural History of the unexpected find.
“蜜蜂用植物的某些部分来筑巢并不常见,”美国自然历史博物馆负责“意外发现”的杰罗姆·罗森(Jerome Rozen)博士这样说。
Gelatin has a long history of use as a gelling agent by the food industry.
Other start-up companies can learn a great deal from the advertising history of this brand and re-use their strategies to hopefully increase the popularity of their own businesses.
It includes a guide to the use of the website, together with additional material: background information, history, construction of site, etc.
The companies collect a history of all credit use by an individual, including payment of bills, mortgages, and credit CARDS.
The graft-busting Central Vigilance Commission found that the use of second-rate materials and inflated pricing was widespread in preparations for the games, the most expensive in history.
The final few pages of the book are not about history but the future, where "cataclysm looms on every side" as we face a finite supply of water but a growing pattern of excessive use.
该书的最后几页的内容与历史无关,而是关乎未来 -当我们面临水资源有限供给却依然过度消耗的时候,未来“灾难此起彼伏”。
Indeed their only contribution to the post war history of housing was to introduce the word Rachmanism to general use.
Indeed their only contribution to the post war history of housing was to introduce the word Rachmanism to general use.