The utopia part certainly seems plausible.
My best time has gone and I have almost lost in the utopia.
It is the Utopia spirit that education should chase forever.
It was a state of mind, an attitude, that comprised the utopia.
The national theory is the most important part in the Utopia thought.
By contrast, the Utopia of love is completion to the point of stillness.
At the same time, it is the only way to get rid of the Utopia appraisal.
Teachers are both creators of the Utopia and the helpers of undoing cryptograms.
This is why the utopia Che envisioned for Cuba never materialized but morphed into a nightmare.
Throughout his decade in power he has urged Venezuelans to focus on the Utopia he says lies ahead.
In fact, however, this is just an illusion of liberation which leads inevitably to the Utopia.
In the secular society, only poetic god is the Utopia in the poet's mind, but it meets embarrassment.
The Utopia of technology is one of the modern "meta-narratives" that characterized the discourse of modernity.
The Taoist theory is certainly wrong which says that the Utopia of mankind is the primitivity of a bygone age.
The Utopia that the paper analyzes and studies is not the vague and the general illusion of so-called new world in general meanings.
There are three kinds of shapes of the tenses in the Utopia Novels of the later Qing Dynasty: the future past tense, the future perfect tense and the future continuous tense.
Cultural Victory is achieved by completing the Utopia Project, which is unlocked after completing 6 of 10 policy trees, which offer bonuses to different game systems and use culture as currency.
I know not what the younger dreams—some vague Utopia—and she seems, when withered old and skeleton-gaunt, an image of such politics.
Now utopia has grown unfashionable, as we have gained a deeper appreciation of the range of threats facing us, from asteroid strike to epidemic flu and to climate change.
The subrogation and development of human history in abstracto can be regarded as vibradon from ideology to Utopia.
Fishing in Utopia: Sweden and the Future that Disappeared.
The LSID Server Framework enables this LSID utopia by allowing organizations to provide their data using a service implementation that best matches their data source.
LSID服务器框架允许各个组织以最适合本身数据源的服务实现来为彼此提供数据,从而使得这个LSID “乌托邦”得以实现。
Waging war at every summons and every time that Utopia desires it, is not the thing for the peoples. Nations have not always and at every hour the temperament of heroes and martyrs.
The point isn't that Europe is utopia.
The camp Collins ran features like a utopia in the novel.
The Kurzweil version of technological utopia has captured imaginations in Silicon Valley.
Optimists, such as Raymond Kurzweil in The Singularity is Near, foresee an AI utopia in which human and machine intelligence combine.
And what of the larger future of AI? Optimists, such as Raymond Kurzweil in the Singularity is Near, foresee an AI utopia in which human and machine intelligence combine.
he world the novel describes is a utopia, albeit an ironic one: humanity is carefree, healthy and technologically advanced.
小说描绘了一个乌托邦式却又充满讽刺意味的世界。 在这个世界里,人类自由自在,健康长寿,并拥有无比先进的技术。
he world the novel describes is a utopia, albeit an ironic one: humanity is carefree, healthy and technologically advanced.
小说描绘了一个乌托邦式却又充满讽刺意味的世界。 在这个世界里,人类自由自在,健康长寿,并拥有无比先进的技术。