This text has decided to research the first problem , namely the validity of the contract.
No copies of the Publisher's edition of the Work shall be sold by way of remainder within the validity of the contract…
Validity of the contract between adhering rigidly to specific party, the expansion of the validity of the contract becomes necessity of history.
That the transferor is entitled to dispose his water rights is a part of the precondition for the transfer, otherwise the validity of the contract shall be pending.
If individual clauses of these terms and conditions of delivery and sale are invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the contract as a whole or the remaining terms and conditions thereof.
Design by Contract lets the class designer concentrate on the logic that implements the class functionality without worrying about the validity of arguments.
If a part of an economic contract is confirmed to be void, without affecting the validity of the remainder, the remainder shall still be valid.
The failure of the passenger to produce the passenger ticket, or the irregularity or loss of the passenger ticket does not affect the existence or validity of the contract of transport.
The nullity and voidness of the clauses set out in the preceding paragraph shall not prejudice the validity of the other clauses of the contract.
The contract shall be valid for 10 years from the effective date of the contract, on the expiry of the validity term of contract, the contract shall automatically become null and void.
An arbitration tribunal has the right to rule on the validity of a contract.
Article 27 in case the invalidity of any part of a labor contract does not affect the validity of the other parts thereof, the other parts shall still remain valid.
In this framework, the enterprise organization gets validity through the social contract with society, and the enterprise social obligation is stipulated by a series of social contract.
To solve the problem of adverse selection and moral hazard, accounting is characterized decision usefulness and the validity of contract.
Because the information useful in decision-making cannot ensure the validity of contract, there is a inconsistency between decision usefulness and validity of contract.
The offer must be final, and be ready for the following contract based on it as soon as the offeree accepts the offer during the term of its validity.
The judge cannot acknowledge the validity of the housing contract.
The validity of marine insurance contract is a very important problem on the legal system of marine insurance, and it could have influence on the interests of the parties of contract obviously.
The validity of any modifications, amendments or ancillary agreements to the sales contract is also subject to written confirmation by WIRTGEN CHINA.
销售合同的任何修正案、修订案或补充协议也需经WIRTGEN CHINA的书面确认方能有效。
The validity period of Contract and/or the scheduled period for relative execution of Contract shall be extended correspondingly.
The invalidity of any provision of this Contract shall not affect the validity of any other provision of this Contract.
Therefore the regulations about the limits of validity of contract clauses should be added according to legal fairness and substantial justice.
The formation, validity, interpretation, execution in respect of this Contract shall be governed by the relevant laws of Tanzania.
The formation, validity, interpretation, execution in respect of this Contract shall be governed by the relevant laws of Tanzania.