There is critical cyclic stress ratio of soft clay under cyclic loading. The value of critical cyclic stress ratio can also be obtained by pore water pressure curves.
The topics covered will include the value of critical management studies and the need for criteria by which to judge different theories or organisational and management;
Some universities already play a critical role in lifelong learning as they want to keep the value of their diplomas.
When this model is combined with the theory of excluded volume experimental critical compressibility factor and boyle value are obtained together.
Critical path is typically the requirement that user-facing functionality be operational in order for the solution to be of value to the end user.
We also believe that this focus is critical for the creation of long-term value.
The value of the critical density is very small: it corresponds to roughly 6 hydrogen atoms per cubic meter, an astonishingly good vacuum by terrestrial standards!
We discuss the value of performance testing and its benefits in ensuring the availability, robustness, and responsiveness of your information systems that fill critical roles for your enterprise.
But the whole recollection of dreams is open to an objection which is calculated greatly to depreciate its value in critical eyes.
We can formulate the statistical test in terms of Cp ', so that we will reject H0 if Cp 'exceeds a critical value c.
Reducing the reuse costs in an asset management repository is critical to the longevity and value of the repository.
Crucially, the report is critical of the value of the information obtained through harsh interrogation.
As Benioff read the Chatter posts, he realized that many of the people who had critical customer knowledge and were adding the most value were not even known to the management team.
Selecting the right software to meet both the tactical and long-term strategic business objectives is critical for achieving both the immediate and long-term business value of an MDM Solution.
As time went on important things were put up, and in trying to please the gods it was critical to offer up things of value.
The most critical step toward delivering DBaaS that truly brings value to your end users is to decide ahead of time what type of database templates and images should be made available on the cloud.
We will do that later until it starts to slip and then at that critical angle that it starts to slip you have a value for mu of s for the static friction coefficient.
This critical juxtaposition of value and value judgments recurs throughout the novel.
One critical variable is the value of PATH, which you can check at the command line with the echo $PATH command.
Rankings that provide data on job offers, salary levels, and other "value added" criteria are providing another critical piece of the puzzle.
Conclusion: The procedure of CPCR in transport of critical neonates possesses clinical practice value.
His critical posture and spiritual concern, as certain kind of ideology resource, still contain some value for the current Chinese scholastic criticism.
In addition, we also obtained the lower and upper limits of the precise critical size of single-domain, and also its exact value in particular cases.
The critical displacement value of pile soil in Wenzhou soil is listed in this text.
Objective to explore the value of thrombocytopenia, hyperglycemia and their time course in evaluating prognosis in critical ill patients.
Under some conditions, the major contribution to the value of oscillatory integral comes from neighborhoods of those critical points of the integrand.
The results indicate that the adit is stabile and the value of the given critical antivibration velocity of rock is a little low.
The measurement of the human resources value is critical in the evaluation and improvement of the human resources quality.
Uncompromising integrity is a cornerstone of HP and is critical to the reputation and value of the HP brand.
Uncompromising integrity is a cornerstone of HP and is critical to the reputation and value of the HP brand.