But there the vast majority of them stop.
And that is the attitude of the vast majority of them.
My firm has about 600 clients and the vast majority of them do this, so you're not alone.
Local media said nearly 500 people, the vast majority of them Han, had been stabbed in the past few weeks.
While the vast majority of them are on the level, there are always people willing to sneak something in for a price.
The vast majority of them will be able to “think” but not “talk”: they will perform specific tasks but cannot communicate.
The vast majority of them will be able to "think" but not "talk" : they will perform specific tasks but cannot communicate.
And many of the camps built to house an influx of workers, the vast majority of them male, are emptying out like a bar after last call.
As of August 23rd 2015, 28,041 cases and 11,302 deaths had been reported worldwide, the vast majority of them in these same three countries.
So far, more than 260, 000 homeowners have refinanced through the program, the vast majority of them people who have paid their bills on time.
In fact, the vast majority of them won't as the incidence of blood cancers such as leukemia or lymphoma is less than 0.1 percent among the elderly.
The vast majority of them simply don't have the time or inclination to find a contact form or feedback TAB and write up a message explaining themselves.
"The vast majority of them are just ordinary people who've seen something unusual and thought that they ought to tell someone about it," Clarke has said.
Most of the consumers who ended up with Vista simply got it because it came installed when they bought a new computer. The vast majority of them never chose Vista.
And although the vast majority of them are law abiding, television images of executives being led away11 in handcuffs12 are unnerving to those in the executive suites.
It has been suggested, therefore, that in traditional usability engineering, features should have to fight to be included, because the vast majority of them are rarely used anyway.
DePaulo recently began looking at the less frequent "big" lies that involve deep betrayals of trust, and she's finding that the vast majority of them occur between people in intimate relationships.
In 1970 only 9% of those with bachelors' degrees in America were women, so the vast majority of men with such degrees married women who lacked them.
They bought houses and saw them increase hugely in value. In most rich countries their generation accounts for the vast majority of all private wealth.
Ensure that your utility functions are lean and mean, and capable of solving the vast majority of utility-related problems internally rather than raising them to the CIO.
Such publications boast that they are very selective, turning down the vast majority of papers that are submitted to them.
The vast majority of bilinguals did not choose to become bilingual because they had a talent for languages: they became bilingual because life required them to.
The vast majority of children -- 89 percent -- said they were excited by Christmas, and 63 percent of them said they were saving money to buy gifts for their close friends.
As this study shows, on the vast majority of occasions the less we know about someone the more we are inclined to like them.
The vast majority (96%) of hotels said agents are important partners for them – the same figure as last year.
I have always been eager for this community and the vast majority of the crowd to do a favor to them and future generations do.
He claims the vast majority of Cubans were unaware their leader enjoyed a lifestyle beyond the dreams of many Cubans and at odds with the sacrifices he demanded of them.
But, the vast majority of the calls are from people who want me to do something for them.
But, the vast majority of the calls are from people who want me to do something for them.