As the same time, the addition of the virtue education is the necessary condition to raise a qualified talented person.
Unprecedented fierce competition in the market today, China's rural labor force by virtue of years of education per capita reached only primary school level, how to get rich?
The Greeks already had a century's long tradition of poetic education going back centuries to the time of Homer and Hesiod that set out certain exemplary models of heroic virtue and civic life.
Education is the basic way that the people obtain virtue.
Face this kind of situation, we must strengthen the traditional thrifty virtue education of contemporary undergraduates, and carry on correct guide to their consumption idea.
To ensure the effective functioning of the Republican system and the active participation of citizens, civic virtue and civic education is indispensable.
The essay analyzed problems existed in the process of family virtue education and proposed strategies as well as countermeasures on solving the problems.
This paper attempts to provide the new plans and countermeasures for schooling webcams in virtue by sticking to knowing and doing, morals education and morals actions.
Canadian Virtue Education Project: explore the best inside ourselves and children-the precious stone within, cultivate good habits, shape perfect character to serve the whole mankind.
Final realization of virtue in education depends on the virtue cultivation of the "people involved in education" and the institutional virtue safeguarding it.
In virtue of the new discovered teaching materials, the author of this article ponders the literary education in the early time at Peking University, and the learning pursuit of Professor Wu Mei.
In moral education, virtue education has priority to moral principle education, because the people who have virtue can obey the moral principles.
How to nurture the next generation of virtue, wisdom and courage is an important subject of education.
The purpose of the happiness education is that by virtue of education such pursuit could be realized and the happiness could be really acquired in the pursuit.
On the contrary, Aristotle insisted that the cultivation of virtue depends on Custom and education. Furthermore, it can not be independent of law and threatening of punishment.
Colleges are the important front of systematic moral education. And the virtue construction among teachers is the core in staff construction.
The education in universities and colleges should have a combination between law and virtue.
The purpose of education with happiness can find its integration in truth, virtue and beauty .
The original meaning of Laozi s "Dao"(the way) and "De"(the virtue) and their relationships are rich resources in conducting moral self-education by college students.
Hence, the writer proposes that moral education should aim at a detailed analysis and a proper use of the virtue evaluation results, and a static-dynamic model evaluation.
To become a man of sage and virtue is the target of moral education in Mencius.
By virtue of your education, you can offer society the beneifts of your focused knowledge, as well as a wider wisdom and a greater sense of purpose.
It placed the emphasis on self-discipline, requiring the officials pursue self accomplishment and strengthened the society 's virtue education of officials.
It placed the emphasis on self-discipline, requiring the officials pursue self accomplishment and strengthened the society 's virtue education of officials.