If a singer coughs, this can result in the bruising of the vocal cords.
Till the vocal cords don't work in her throat no more?
直到她喉咙里的声带不再工作了吗? ?
Below the vocal cords in this larynx are large ulcerations.
In addition, spread from the vocal cords to other parts is slow.
Owing to the natural limit of the vocal cords, the roaring only betrays the gentility of the cat.
Scientists long thought the lion's distinctive roar was due to thick layers of fat inside the vocal cords.
Tone: Tones sre pitch variations, which are caused by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal cords.
But new research suggests that it's not the fat that makes the roar, it's the shape of the vocal cords themselves.
But new research suggests that it's not the fat that makes the roar, it's the shape of the vocal cords themselves.
Holding that position, I held out my right hand for the tube and slipped it past the vocal cords into the trachea.
They don't have to see how the vocal cords are vibrating, or know exactly how difficult it is to play the instrument.
Loss of the voice resulting from disease, injury to the vocal cords, or various psychological causes, such as hysteria.
These agents will improve your visualization of the vocal cords and prevent the patient from vomiting and aspirating gastric contents.
Developed in conjunction with Texas Instruments, the Audeo USES electrodes to detect neuronal signals traveling from the brain to the vocal cords.
A smile can not stop the tears falling velocity, the vocal cords do not stop my trembling voice, empty shell, lose all that only force can support.
The period in which the Adam's apple develops is often marked by wild fluctuations in the male voice, as the vocal cords settle into their new size.
Crying baby is normal, the sound is probably not the same as the question of the vocal cords or his voice it was relatively sharp, Oh do not worry.
Then I learned that the problem was acid reflux, a relatively common condition in which stomach acid comes back up the esophagus and scalds the vocal cords, usually during sleep.
Conclusion the pronunciation of the vocal cords after treatment has apparent results to restore the voice of the patients with poor pronunciation and the method is clinical simple and worth promoting.
They are easily available on the continent and they are useful if a singer has problems with his vocal cords and has to sing that night.
Dolphins lack vocal cords, nevertheless creating sounds: a complicated system of whistles, squeaks, moans, trills, and clicks are produced by sphincter muscles inside the blowhole.
Among the serious complications, the chemical reaction triggered by the batteries can damage vocal cords, leaving children with a lifelong whisper.
The robots have simplified vocal cords, and their voices are strangely human.
Animal trials of the artificial vocal cords are under way and researchers expect to test them in humans for the first time in the next two years.
For people with spinal injuries or other conditions that impair use of the arms or vocal cords — or for the curious who just think it's cool — the intendiX spells words based on brain waves.
She's been called the best Idol "by a mile, " and the "Lance Armstrong of vocal cords."
She's been called the best Idol "by a mile, " and the "Lance Armstrong of vocal cords."