To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined.
To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined.
Perchlorate has been found in the water supplies of 35 states and has been detected in everything from vegetables to milk.
In Ecuador, where only 3% of the water supplies come directly from glaciers, 15% of the water is held in the boggy pasturelands called the Paramo.
Since then all of our Departments new water purification facilities have used rapid filtration technology, providing the water supplies of our precincts with dependable sources of clean water.
To prevent this from happening again, JohnSnow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined. The water companies were instructed not expose people to polluted water any more.
为了阻止霍乱的再次发生,约翰雪建议所有的供水源头都应该被检查, 卖水公司被命令不许再把人们暴露在污染的水之下, 最终,”霍乱王”被击败了。
The State Water Project has shut off all supplies to farmers.
The vadose zone supplies plant roots near the surface with water.
The people who hunted the sparse desert animals responded to drought by managing the wild resources they hunted and gathered, especially wild oxen, which had to have regular water supplies to survive.
While we have ample supplies of water because of the four different sources of water that we now have, we do want people to realize that this don't come easy.
At the age of seven, he started by pulling his red wagon around his neighborhood collecting bottled water and supplies.
The combination of hot weather and decreased water supplies is hurting many industries.
The strike had already led to cuts in electricity and water supplies in many areas.
They grappled with the problem of connecting the electricity and water supplies. The former proved simple compared with the latter.
Water supplies to the house are at low pressure.
Both humans and animals were constantly on the move, in search of food and reliable water supplies.
Experts say drip irrigation is an innovation whose importance is growing, as climate change and rising population strain water supplies in many parts of the world.
In Sal Paulo, you can see shopping malls full of designer goods right next door to the slum areas without proper water and electricity supplies.
At the same time, both cattle and humans were more confined in their movements, staying much closer to permanent water supplies for long periods of time.
With its 10-meter-long pipe in the robot, people who are trapped in the fallen buildings will be able to get supplies including oxygen and water.
Either it has been seriously damaged, or doesn't have the water, fuel or supplies required to provide life-saving services including emergency obstetric care.
A dab of hydrogen peroxide and a flash of ultraviolet light serve as the final sterilizing gatekeepers before the water reenters potable supplies.
The firm hopes it will eventually be able to unplug all four of its UK crisp manufacturing sites from the mains water supplies.
Large parts of the country are dry, and fresh water supplies are limited. The country is frequently subject to earthquakes.
The Yellow River supplies water to 12 per cent of the country's population but almost two-thirds of its water is considered unsuitable for human consumption.
Their forage and water supplies have diminished, but the cattle must still be fed.
Water extracted from potatoes could replace supplies from the tap and even provide drinking water in areas suffering from drought.
Water extracted from potatoes could replace supplies from the tap and even provide drinking water in areas suffering from drought.