The target position information was acquired by the SVM estimation output and the weight vector.
By restraining the norm of the weight vector, robust multiuser access interference cancellation is achieved.
The performance of the minimum output energy (MOE) detector will degrade when it is affected by the noise in the weight vector.
The performance of minimum output energy (MOE) detector will significantly degrade when the weight vector is affected by the noise.
The algorithm projects the LC- MVB weight vector onto the signal subspace, thus the effect of the noise subspace on the weight vector is reduced.
Based on the matched filter beamforming criterion in CDMA, a novel method called power method is proposed to compute the weight vector to beamform.
This method can avoid the subjectivity when the weight vector is determined and get the optimality of the prior order evaluation by non-uniform weight.
Secondly, a goal programming model is established and the weight vector of interval Numbers complementary judgment matrix is obtained by solving the model.
No convergent drawback of the weight vector due to choose the dispersion constant inaccurately in the normalized constant modulus algorithms (NCMA) is overcome.
During the process of utilizing attribute recognition model to make comprehensive assessment, there are some subjective factors in calculating the weight vector.
The weight vector of beamforming is estimated by Doppler information of the signal first, then it is approximated by RBFNN to carry out the blind optimizing beamforming.
To solve these problems, a new AHP method is presented by combining the weight vector rang estimation analytic theory with traditional evaluation index rejecting method.
The former presents a novel cost function based on MCME criteria for the weight vector of antenna array, with direct searching method searching for optical diagonal loading value.
Secondly, the problem of the minimum weight design is resolved by using the optimum vector algorithm under the constraint of the structure system reliability.
By calculating vector resemblance-degree of index vector and the system integrative vector then standardize it the index weight is obtained.
The criterion or cost-function with respect to the complex tap-weight vector of the equalizer and to the error probability is strictly a convex function.
On the basis of the condition, this thesis puts forward a direct calculation method of weight vector in ranking.
Such as move query vector, modify the weight of characteristics, Bayesian, SVM, neural and networks.
What we will do is to establish the hierarchical relationships of classroom teaching quality evaluation index system and find the combination of weight vector and weight vector with AHP.
Then via the analysis of a special state variable weight vector, an essential relation between state variable weight vector and balance function is interpreted further.
The Hamming distance between two words a and b, viewed as elements of a vector space, can then be seen as the Hamming weight of ab.
如果把a和b两个单词看作是向量空间中的元素,则它们之间的汉明距离等于它们汉明重量的差a -b。
On the basis of the equivalence of weight vector of an adaptive filter and the eigenvector, choosing a reasonable filter expectation response, the eigenvector was estimated.
Through ensuring the evaluation index factor set and evaluation index set, the evaluation index weight is calculated and the distribution vector is ensured.
Based on the adaptive antenna and OFDM technology, a new adaptive beamforming algorithm and the optimum array weight vector were obtained.
Secondly, the corresponding weight vector, according to the questionnaire results, obtained using the weighted average score of the corresponding index.
As far as this method is concerned, each fuzzy variable is projected to the fuzzy weight vector and the result is judged in accordance with the projection coefficient.
Then the array response vector is used as weight to assure that base station can receive the maximal power for the desired signal.
And also, the algorithm for calculating the optimal weight vector is given.
And also, the algorithm for calculating the optimal weight vector is given.