White is a lucky color for the westerner.
It is this outlook that strikes the Westerner as barbaric.
For the westerner, all the chants may make no sense at all.
The Westerner thanks the Persian colleague, who is taken aback.
In this semester the westerner thinks chest Orchestra is the best.
This is another example in which the Chinese and the Westerner interpret a smile differently.
The westerner was able to solve the continuity problems and capable of explaining their results precisely.
What you Chinese consider beautiful or ugly may not be viewed as the same by the Westerner or non-Chinese.
But for most of the Westerner, they can not endure it when they heard some of the Korean like to eat dog's meat.
But the westerner receives time the gift must work as visitor's surface is opening immediately and praises repeatedly.
Chinese's industrial art work and the traditional Chinese painting, in the westerner eye are beautiful mystical and interesting.
To the Westerner, the world is a relatively simple place, composed of discrete objects that can be understood with undue reference to context, and highly subject to personal control.
The westerner worships individual struggle, especially proud for the personal achievement, and never conceal own self-confidence, the sense of honor and the achievement after successed.
If you're looking at an elephant in the jungle, the Westerner will focus on the elephant and the Easterner is going to be more thinking about the jungle scene that has the elephant in it.
International Diabetes: Do you think there are any differences between obesity of Chinese and that of the Westerner in clinical manifestations and genetic background? If yes, what they are?
It's the first time a Westerner has been convicted for a drug-related offence in recent years in China.
What a Westerner considers an honest look in the eye, the Oriental takes as a lack of respect and a personal affront.
Easterners are likelier to choose a red pen, while Westerner more often choose the green.
In my time here I question why I tolerate China - the crowded buses, packed streets, vendors who see every Westerner as their next target.
With the horror of a westerner used to ambulance sirens, I counted the seconds ticking away while nothing was done.
A Westerner would interpret laughter in such a setting as a sign of either insensitivity4 or, worse, pleasure that the person falling had hurt himself/herself because that person was disliked.
developed world is almost two years old, the average Westerner would probably answer “No”.
你的生活比两年前更富裕了吗? 尽管在发达国家,经济复苏已经持续了约两年的时间,但是普通西方人面对这个问题的时候,恐怕会说“不”。
IF you're a typical westerner, you ate nearly 100 kilograms of meat last year. This was almost certainly the costliest part of your diet, especially in environmental terms.
Consider this scenario: a Westerner walks into the office of a Persian colleague and admires a painting on the wall.
The average Westerner produces over 500kg of municipal waste a year—and that is only the most obvious portion of the rich world’s discards.
The average Westerner produces over 500kg of municipal waste a year—and that is only the most obvious portion of the rich world’s discards.