Where he is famed for his history of the whaler that inspired Herman Melville's "Moby Dick" and for arguing plausibly in his "Sea of Glory" that the ocean, not the West, was America's first frontier.
where he is famed for his history of the whaler that inspired Herman Melville's “Moby Dick” and for arguing plausibly in his “Sea of Glory” that the ocean, not the West, was America's first frontier.
Jill and I did take the boat—a large, underpowered whaler—for a cruise to an amazing snorkeling spot.
Jill and I did take the boat - a large, underpowered Whaler that leaked up to a point and stopped once the bottom was full - for a cruise to an amazing snorkeling spot.
That ship was a whaler, strayed east, far east, from the mouth of the Mackenzie, and it was lying at anchor in Coronation Gulf.
Earlier in the day, a 31-year-old man was attacked by a bronze whaler shark while spearfishing near Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
Earlier in the day, a 31-year-old man was attacked by a bronze whaler shark while spearfishing near Australia's Great Barrier Reef.