It became an impromptu cafe for at least five runners and their crew, who stopped under the shade for lunch.
Fire energy when you say "Hi" to someone in a supermarket, to your waiter in the cafe, to your sister-in-law or the guy who fixes the photocopier in your office.
"When I watched 'Friends', I always wondered whether there was really such a coffee shop because I would definitely become a frequent customer, " said Du Xin, who opened the cafe in March.
"I do a little introduction and the people who aren't there for the cafe pay no attention," he said.
Sociologists fret about constant e-mailers and texters losing the everyday connections to casual acquaintances or strangers who may be sitting next to them in the cafe or on the bus.
It was very late and everyone had left the cafe except an old man who sat in the shadow the leaves of the tree made against the electric light.
The owner, Farhang Jehani, who was in his office at the cafe during the attack, said that sales were up 15% because of its new fame.
No woman was admitted to this back room, except Louison, the dish-washer of the cafe, who passed through it from time to time, to go to her washing in the "lavatory."
There are many people buying books from the store, people here have a very good habit of reading, no matter in a small cafe or on the lawn, you can see people who sunk in their books.
Miss Higashikokubaru is one of more than 200 visitors who pass through the doors and sit in silence at the cafe every week, according to Taiki Watanabe, its 45-year-old owner.
There are people who listen in during cafe and bar conversations, and others who monitor email for key words to find those email discussing the show.
The attackers, who came ashore by boat, attacked luxury hotels, hospitals, rail stations, a popular cafe and a Jewish outreach center.
Ren Zhijiong, 24, a fresh graduate who works as a marketing executive in Shenzhen, used his cell phone to access the Wi-Fi at a Starbucks cafe.
Who often visit Cafe de Coral with you for the past 6 months?
He calls his brother Il Hyun, who invites Yi Jeong to come to the cafe to see the person who is making him so happy.
Professor Atkinson will be available in the theater cafe for anyone who wants to chat with her.
The couple, who live in Edinburgh, where she operates an aromatherapy shop called Tropical Rainbow, happily posed for photographs before heading off for a reception at a local city cafe.
Police in Indian-controlled Kashmir detained three people who run a cyber cafe in the region.
Thee Toppels' roadside cafe in Wertheim opened earlier this year and it was an instant hit with tourists, who were unable to get their heads around the baffling layout.
位于韦尔特海姆路边的Toppels’咖啡馆在今年初刚开业,立刻就受到了游客的追捧。 咖啡馆让人迷惑的布局让游客搞不清楚状况。
"When I watched 'Friends, ' I always wondered whether there was really such a coffee shop because I would definitely become a frequent customer, " said Du Xin, who opened the cafe in March.
The ban has come into force despite opposition from some bar and cafe owners who fear losing business.
Two bus drivers are having a cup of tea in a cafe. One bus driver is the father of the other bus driver's son. Who are they.
Leng meets Lin who is a cafe singer and he decides to make her into his third wife and the mother of his children.
The ladies who meet regularly in a museum cafe in Cologne skip the gossip and get straight down to haiku, an ultra-brief poetry style that has spread from Japan around the globe.
一些女士们定期在科隆博物馆的咖啡厅里聚会。 她们不闲谈八卦,而是直接切入正题探讨俳句——一种从日本风靡至全球的短小精悍的诗体。
Look, the beautiful lady beside me is my Coffee teacher who has her own Cafe in Beijing with a sweet name "Shining Purple Harbor".
Look, the beautiful lady beside me is my Coffee teacher who has her own Cafe in Beijing with a sweet name "Shining Purple Harbor".