To launch the WPCP workspace, enter the following in a browser window.
Under Buildfile, click Browser workspace to locate your Ant file inside the workspace.
在buildfile下,单击Browser Workspace定位工作区内的Ant文件。
This allows users to have the same browser workspace on any device that supports Firefox or its mobile equivalent, Fennec.
To run the site, in the WebMatrix Files workspace, select the root Orchard folder. Click the drop-down list in the run button and then select a browser.
运行这个站点的话,在WebMatirx的File工作区,选择Or chard文件夹,点击Run按钮,然后就会打开一个浏览器。
Next, click the Protocol Data TAB and select Browser near the bottom of the workspace, as shown in Figure 20.
Next, click the Protocol Data TAB and select Browser near the bottom of the workspace, as shown in Figure 20.