He was interned as an enemy alien at the outbreak of the Second World War.
Next term we'll be looking at the Second World War period.
Steel's fragility at low temperatures first became a major concern during the Second World War.
They died during World War II at the end of the movie.
After World War II ended, in the winter of 1946, he continued his graduate studies at the University of Illinois.
His final special broadcast for CBS was a trip to visit Second World War memorials in Europe during which he broke down and wept at the waste of life they symbolised.
They walked among us for a very long time; the war ended, the world was saved, and they came home and blended into a nation at peace, and often there was no way for us to ever know.
In my first book, war at the Top of the World, I predicted the two Asian giants would go to war over their Himalayan border, Burma, and sea control.
In my first book, "war at the Top of the World," I predicted the two Asian giants would go to war over their Himalayan border, Burma and sea control.
I also told him I had studied the draft at Georgetown, and had concluded it was justified only when, as in World War II, the nation and our way of life were at stake.
The son of a Staffordshire doctor, he served in Burma and Malaya at the end of the second world war, attended an agricultural college and went on to become a dairy farmer.
Then, after the Second World War, these restrictions grew more severe, eventually disarming the civilian population of England — or at least the law-abiding part of it.
After the detonation of nuclear bombs at the end of world War II, the world moved deeper into the atomic age and the nuclear standoff between the superpowers.
Mr Cameron's party needs to break out of its southern heartlands to win at least 117 seats - its biggest total since the second world war - to secure a working majority.
There is no Cold War, at least allegedly no Cold War any longer, and so the question of the status, nature, and structure of the third world is obviously wide open.
Earlier this decade American homebuyers took false assurance from the oft-quoted fact that house prices had not fallen, at the national level, since the second world war; well, they have now.
早在十年前,美国房屋购买者接受了错误的保证:按全国水平上,自二战后房屋价格不会下跌的反复强调的事实。 现在商业房地产价格下跌了。
He was a wire service reporter covering major campaigns of World War II before working in radio and then joining a pioneering TV news venture at the CBS affiliate in Washington.
By now everyone has seen the videos of explosions at Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant and the aerial photos of what looks like the result of a World War ii bombing.
The Paralympic movement began at a British hospital in the aftermath of the Second World War, when sport was introduced as a therapeutic treatment for returning servicemen with spinal injuries.
The world at the time was divided into two implacably opposed blocks and the Cold War was at its iciest.
The Windsors were at Cap d'Antibes in the South of France when the Second World War broke out, and the Duke agreed to return to Britain without insisting on terms.
It’s perhaps the most iconic photograph from the victory celebrations of World War II, and the nurse who made it possible, Edith Shain, is dead at 91.
The public details of his life include little beyond his official biography at the foundation, which says he was a Seattle lawyer, World War II veteran, nonprofit volunteer and father of three.
The man who became Japan's leader this week is, at 52, the country's youngest prime minister since the second world war, and the first to have been born after it.
The man who became Japan's leader this week is, at 52, the country's youngest prime minister since the second world war, and the first to have been born after it.