Next term we'll be looking at the Second World War period.
There is little debate about the start date of the vintage period-the end of World War I is a nicely defined marker there-but the end date is a matter of a little more debate.
Though the country ever played a bad role in both World War I and World War II, People in the beautiful country can correctly recognize and judge the period of history.
Her life spans the tumultuous period surrounding World War II, while her characters in movies span a time period from Sengoku period through a futuristic space age.
SLG in this game, you will be a recollection of the Middle Ages a period of soul-stirring World War: the famous Richard the Lionheart to lead holy crusade.
Until Second World War period, some scholars only started to these economic phenomena to conduct the research, contained the underground economy research.
Sun Zi's Art of War is the earliest work of military science extant in the world. Its author, Sun Wu, was an outstanding strategist in the late Spring and Autumn Period.
The Five-Country Peace Treaties were the first as well as the only successful ones during the period when the Allies dealt with the defeated countries after World War II.
The Five-Country Peace Treaties were the first as well as the only successful ones during the period when the Allies dealt with the defeated countries after World War II.