They insisted on state help being given to the worst hit areas.
The survivors are from the town Ercis, one of the worst hit areas where as many as 100 buildings were reported collapsed.
A couple of students had lost family members as they were living in the worst hit areas. It was such a shocking situation we found ourselves in.
Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike.
While some of the worst-hit areas are beginning to dry out, the floodwaters are moving down the Indus valley towards the one province that hasn't yet been pummeled.
In the areas worst hit by the quake, hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes, and food and blankets are scare.
In the areas worst hit by the quake, hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes, and food and blankets are scarce.
Half of those killed were elderly; 95% of the dead in Miyagi prefecture, one of the worst-hit areas, drowned, according to new police statistics.
"We hope our compatriots in the worst-hit disaster areas remain calm, listen to instructions, understand and cooperate with the evacuation operation," the embassy said on its website.
The areas worst hit, including Charsadda and the neighbouring district of Nowshera, as well as Punjab, are all big food producers.
Major challenges include poor living and public health conditions, largely destroyed disease monitoring and containment systems and limited access to some of the worst-hit areas.
There are six reactors at the plant, located in northeastern Japan about 40 miles (about 65 kilometers) south of Sendai, one of the areas worst hit by Friday's earthquake and the resulting tsunami.
As the information flowing from some of the worst-hit areas in Pakistan increases, the specific health needs are becoming very clear.
He said medical personnel were on their way to the worst-hit areas in helicopters but rescue efforts have been hampered by disruption to communications in the region.
Authorities say heavy digging equipment is headed to the worst-hit areas of western Java, but time is running out for scores buried under collapsed buildings and landslides.
As one of the areas worst hit by the drought, Central China's Hubei Province has many paddy fields thirsty for water.
Aceh province was the worst affected of all the Indian Ocean areas hit by the December 26 earthquake and tsunami.
Rescuers finally reached some the worst hit of those areas in the Sichuan province today.
He was speaking after seeing for himself some of the worst-hit areas.
However, in Wuhan, one of the worst-hit areas, many lakes were filled in for property development.
Relief groups are trying to get supplies to some of the areas that were hit the worst, but it's difficult because of damage to roads and communication lines.
Others saved their own skins and left the worst-hit areas.
Major challenges include poor living and public health conditions, largely destroyed disease monitoring and containment systems and limited access to some of the worst - hit areas.
Major challenges include poor living and public health conditions, largely destroyed disease monitoring and containment systems and limited access to some of the worst - hit areas.