Walsh is due to appear as one of the judges on the X Factor tonight.
“Heat is the X factor, ” Ms. Roth said. “Sometimes you have to just forget it and move on.”
The often outspoken judge says he will be joining a show he created, called " The X Factor".
Don't underestimate her ability at pushing people around. She's the X factor in our ongoing negotiations.
The emotionally incontinent exhibitionists who cry when they are kicked off talent shows such as The X Factor are not grown men, for example.
Evie climbed 46 places in five years to 15th place last year and Leona tripled in popularity, perhaps after The X Factor winner Leona Lewis.
The emotionally incontinent exhibitionists who cry when they are kicked off talent shows such as The X Factor are not grown men, for example.
The impresario, best known for the X Factor and American Idol, has "reshaped 21st century television and music around the world," organisers said.
This eco-friendly, community-owned island has a population of 86 – having a hooley, maybe, or watching The X Factor, because there was no one about.
Do you think these changes will help grow the audience of "American Idol" which will soon be facing competition from Simon Cowell's new show "the X Factor?"
Asked if they were satisfied with the 13 per cent increase in the X factor as a way of compensating for working conditions, 64 per cent of the Army said "no".
They are giving up on studying because they want an 'easy route to money' by becoming a footballer's wife or an instant star on Britain's Got Talent or the X Factor.
They are giving up on studying because they want an 'easy route to money 'by becoming a footballer's wife or an instant star on Britain's Got Talent or the X Factor.
The new company will operate under the Syco banner, which owns the rights to skeins "the X Factor" and "Got Talent" as well as artists including Leona Lewis and Susan Boyle.
新公司将会以Syco公司的名义进行活动,这间公司拥有《The X Factor》,《英国达人》的版权,同时还拥有包括利昂娜·刘易斯和苏珊大妈在内的签约艺人。
'She has a new song out soon and can't wait to return to 'The X Factor'. But at the end of the day she wants to be in a relationship because that is what will make her really happy.
Some of the most popular shows of the past few years - "American Idol", "Glee" and "the X-Factor" -have been music shows.
The deepness of a voice is not an accurate guide to whether someone is muscular or weedy.Instead, people rely on a subconscious, mysterious 'x-factor' in the voice to work out someone's physique.
First, calculate the X-axis scaling factor.
The scientists found the observed X-ray emission was a factor of 30 to 50 times smaller than expected from the accretion scenario, effectively ruling it out.
For example, if the number in question is 16, when I grab the factor 2 I can also grab 8 because 2 x 8 = 16.
比如,如果问题中的数字是16,那么当获取因子2 时,也就获取了8,因为 2x 8 = 16。
After singing on Sunday night's X Factor show, the 48-year-old flew to the US where she wowed the audience on the Today show with a performance at the Rockefeller Plaza in New York.
Messi also said he would want X Factor judge Cheryl, 26 - who jetted into Heathrow yesterday - to join the party if the Argies win in South Africa.
梅西还说如果阿根廷能够在世界杯夺冠的话,他希望这位昨天刚刚回到西斯罗机场的26岁的X Factor评委能够和他们一起狂欢。
The young dreamers in shows like “The X-Factor” commonly perform songs that are more than a quarter of a century old.
This is true in both Domino 6.x and Domino 7, making percent CPU the limiting factor in the number of users that can be supported.
CPU使用百分比限制了所能支持的用户数,在Domino 6 .x和Domino7中都是这样。
We are big X Factor fans in our house and, as you can imagine, we wanted Rebecca Ferguson to win the last series.
The factor X-like antigen in normal pancreatic islets and in 52 cases of pancreatic endocrine tumours was investigated by immunohistochemistry.
The factor X-like antigen in normal pancreatic islets and in 52 cases of pancreatic endocrine tumours was investigated by immunohistochemistry.