Most people visit Las Vegas to gamble their hard-earned money.
Many people look to the stock market to enhance their hard-earned money more and more each year.
"Break for what?" he said. "People spend their hard-earned money to come watch us play, I'm going to play."
It was time for New Year in Vietnam. Everybody was busy spending their hard-earned money to buy paper-made hell money and candles.
But those are just Numbers. What about the people who plunked down 30 grand of their hard-earned money for something that they're now afraid to drive?
Many people who come to Las Vegas in hopes of winning lots of money do not know when to stop gambling. They may lose a great deal of their hard-earned money.
Yet, each year millions of Americans strive for that perfect tan and even spend their hard earned money to purposefully expose themselves to artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation.
If someone is willing to spend their hard earned money putting their products in front of users on the mobile web, you can assume there is a pretty good reason for it.
However, it is also a great place to get hosed out of all of your hard earned money by people who make their living doing so.
China will crush India anytime... thats why all our politicians keeping their hard earned money in oversea's Banks.
I just want a life of their parents to their children, I can not get the parents hard-earned money to help an unknown person.
My fellow townsman who, like me, are hard-earned money is earned, only difference is we have no lawful way to enter their country.
Finally, someone is doing the right thing. We should all be held accountable for our actions. The American People need to know who is costing them their hard earned money.
In most cases, car owners sign up for a car insurance plan so that they can avoid taking out their hard earned money from their pockets in the event when something goes wrong.
You Care What Your Neighbors Think: If you're competing against them and their material possessions, you're wasting your hard-earned money on toys to impress them instead of building your wealth.
The American People need to know who is costing them their hard earned money.
Very often think about home, feel that they too unfilial, Cattle and parents like their hard-earned wages to gain money but was only used for the sake of my downfall.
They have expensive dinners and birthday celebrations with their parents' hard-earned money through months of hard work.
Studying abroad costs much money and energy. Accordingly, lots of students have to give up their hard-earned opportunity.
Studying abroad costs much money and energy. Accordingly, lots of students have to give up their hard-earned opportunity.