Their return journey was unavoidably delayed.
Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world.
Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guilding the dead on their return journey to the other world.
On their return journey, Scott and his disheartened party trudged across through the frozen wasteland, frostbitten and often delirious.
On their return journey last time, Tang Shen the Buddhist master and his disciples left their time-weathered magical weapons behind in the human world to surrender devils and demons.
Few entrepreneurs who’ve spent a decade building a company get that kind of personal return, because few personally invest so much of their own cash along the journey.
After being at sea for several years, salmon return in summer to the sites of their birth to spawn and die, and hardly feed along their final journey.
When they made this return journey, they began their characteristic nest-searching behaviour, quartering the ground in detail looking for the entrance, after travelling about ten metres.
The story begins and details the brother's journey to find a alchemy amplifier so that they may return to their normal bodies.
They do not need to return the bike to the same pick-up point, but can leave it at the nearest Velib stand where their journey ends.
They do not need to return the bike to the same pick-up point, but can leave it at the nearest Velib stand where their journey ends.