This time, we will not plummet down and then bounce back comfortably to where we were before it all started.
I'm sure that it's unusual to maybe lose a match and then bounce back, but then you can get on a roll and take advantage of that.
These sounds travel underwater until they encounter objects, then bounce back to their dolphin senders, revealing the location, size, and shape of their target.
After a steep market decline this year, the router market is forecast to grow minimally in 2010, and then bounce back with double-digit growth rates from 2011 through 2013.
Right, this makes a lot of sense because if the entire atom was made up of nuclei, then we would have 100% probability of hitting one of these nuclei and having things bounce back.
It is similar to radar in that it sends out electromagnetic waves and then analyses those waves that bounce back, to determine what they bounced off.
Then you send laser light through a beam splitter to divide the beam between the two arms, and let the light bounce back and forth a few times before returning to the beam splitter.
Short wave is good for broadcasting very long distances. The short wave signals bounce off the ionosphere that surrounds the Earth, back to the ground and then back to the ionosphere.
They make ultrasonic sounds. These sounds then bounce off insects and come back to the bats in the form of echoes. A bat can then calculate the position of an insect.
We all feel a little low now and then, but it's important to bounce back from these slumps.
When the sound waves bounce back, a microphone records them. The data is then used to create a three dimensional map of what lies beneath the ocean.
In the second half we managed to bounce back and deserved to draw level and then go ahead. He paid twice for our naivety.
In the second half we managed to bounce back and deserved to draw level and then go ahead. He paid twice for our naivety.