This lingering process starts off as 10 minutes, then extends to 30 minutes, then to an hour, and more.
If Sadiq Khan wins and extends it to the North and South Circular roads in 2021 as he intends, it is sure to spark intense opposition from the far larger number of motorists who will then be affected.
If Sandakan wins and extends it to the North and South Circular roads in 2021 as he intends, it is sure to spark intense opposition from the far larger number of motorists who will then be affected.
And then in my own view, this extends to animals, to creatures.
When the EJB method runs in a transaction, this transactional context extends to the resource: if the EJB transaction fails, then the resource activity is also rolled back.
If your Christmas card list extends beyond a dried out Post-It note, then it's likely you can look forward to a fruitful old age.
They feel that, therefore, if time extends to the infinite past, then no moment of creation ever existed and therefore it need not be explained.
This actually extends, in our case, and I can put some weight on here, then I actually add to the torque and then you will see that it's... it goes faster.
When the bunnies scoot underneath Noah's feathers, he carefully extends his wings out to surround them and then they snuggle.
She loves French fashion, and then extends this love to French culture.
A gravel road leads to the long western elevation of the house and then extends in an arc around the southern elevation.
The discussion then extends, in section 5.4, to address the reliability and validity of content analysis.
This seated forward bend stretches a muscle chain that begins at the Achilles tendon, extends up the back of the legs and pelvis, then continues up along the spine to end at the base of your head.
This is followed in 3 to 7 days by a dusty red, blotchy rash that begins on the face and then extends over the rest of the body and lasts for 4 to 6 days.
It extends SIP and USES STUN and RTP relay to perform the connection of SIP signal and media, and then establish the communication and maintain it.
The slope shape roof extends to the wall and then the floor, which becomes the extension of classrooms and public space.
This paper extends relational schema and then forms the entity-dependent relational schema, which can be used to organize model bases or method bases.
By using trusted computing theory, we build a credible hardware and operating system environment at payment terminal, and then we extends the credibility to the electronic payment system.
In this paper, we first analysis the characteristic of multimedia message. Then propose a method that extends the local function of user agent to build multimedia electronic mailing system.
On this basis, taking the University of Warwick as an example to support this theoretical model, and then promote it, extends to the interpretation category of a range of universities.
This method aligns frequency at first, then extends CPCA to the correction of damping factor shifts in a single resonant peak across spectra.
Then extends the efficiency measurement to the stochastic situation based on the expected value approach and presents the definition of the expected efficiency score, and finally a instance is given.
While the residence looks to be suspended in midair, it is actually perched atop a wall of rocks and then extends off the cliff.
Anthocyanidin firstly pigmentizes at the part of caryopsis away from embryo, then gradually extends to the part near embryo and makes the whole pericarp pigmentized.
Anthocyanidin firstly pigmentizes at the part of caryopsis away from embryo, then gradually extends to the part near embryo and makes the whole pericarp pigmentized.