However, only the educated believers knew anything of the complex theological system of the priest.
The philosophical and theological system developed by St. Thomas Aquinas in the thirteenth century.
This is the name given to the philosophical and theological system or school named after John Duns Scotus.
Methodism , however, developed its own theological system as expressed in two principal standards of orthodoxy.
The Reformation in Geneva led by John Calvin obviously had its social functions while it reconstructed the theological system and religious life.
加 尔 文领导的日内瓦宗教改革运动,在重新构建神学体系和教会生活的同时,亦凸显了社会功能。
The constructing of the theological system of four direction Gods, five heavenly Gods, five humanly Gods and five functional Gods is a gradually evolving process.
The system and principle of using white noise to measure the theological performance of fluid is outlined in this paper.
The system and principle of using white noise to measure the theological performance of fluid is outlined in this paper.