It mainly has two parts as follows: theory research of foamed drilling fluids, and practice achievements in foam and foamed drilling technology.
To find a practical and effective way of teaching, I have done much research into practice and theory according my own experience in chemistry teaching.
How to manage operational risk becomes the forward problem in international finance's theory research and practice.
Effective teaching has become a hot topic in the research on teaching theory and practice.
The object matter of the foreword part is to describe the aim of this article, its research area and expectation, and its value both in practice and theory.
The research to improve the data quality of CAD model in original modeling stage is very significative both on theory and on practice.
So it is important doubtlessly both in theory and in practice to research on the economic running quality evaluation of the coal industry.
The theory of developmental assessment has been advanced for many years, and a great deal of practice and research has been done in some developed countries.
The research is significant in practice and theory.
The theory is now in the forward position of financial research and practice as well as a hot topic in western countries.
The research of delay differential equation is very important in theory and in practice.
Language education objective is the important content of educational theory research and the fundamental and overall problem in teaching practice.
Although this problem does not undergo systematic research, but involve in the theory and practice more, and last for a long time, become the real problem that can't be avoided.
Then the following part put forward the assumption: our country should make more research on the burden of proof in medical issues from the aspects of theory and practice.
Whether in theory or in practice, we should emphasize research on firm movements and mobility barriers, particularly in regards to our domestic firms.
Thus a research about primary school children's computational estimation is very important in theory and in practice.
As the key technology, the research on how to control and coordinate multiple AUVs has important significance in theory and practice.
The above experimental research and theoretic analysis are of great significance in both theory and practice.
This research has important significance both in theory and practice.
Therefore, the research of the speed and strength has important meanings in theory and practice.
The lack of research on the theory of Country risk results in more and more difficulties in practice.
Therefore, the research on it has important significance in theory and practice.
So the research about its methods to estimate will be valuable in theory and practice.
The research in mechanical theorem proving has great significance in the theory and the practice.
The study of the influence of the build and run of hydropower project on runoff is a foundational research project, which is very important in both theory and practice.
The study of the influence of the build and run of hydropower project on runoff is a foundational research project, which is very important in both theory and practice.