An interesting problem in the study of bifurcation theory is to determine when two bifurcation problems are equivalent with respect to some group of equivalences.
The rate of living theory would have predicted that the running group that expended more energy would die earlier than the two groups that did not, Vaanholt said.
The physical parameters of the reactor core are calculated by method of the two-group theory.
A formula calculating the critical mass in reactor is recommended for checking the two-group theory.
A sort of electrostatics problem that using electric image method to solve the electric field in the wedge area between two infinite earthing metal boards are discussed using group theory.
To test this theory, Andrew Oxenham and his colleagues at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis asked a group of six students whether two four-note melodies were identical or not.
To test this theory, Andrew Oxenham and his colleagues at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis asked a group of six students whether two four-note melodies were identical or not.