For every object in the call flow, there can only be one other object connected to it.
But there can only be one that I like the best.
But at each tournament there can only be one winner.
But in every competition there can only be one winner.
There can only be one source and one target in a drag, but there may be many drop candidates.
Therefore, for every object in the call flow, there can only be one other object connected to it.
Each instance, however, can only contain a single XML data tree — in other words, there can only be one root node.
This was not a competition lane, and this was a public swimming pool, so how is it that there can only be one person in each lane?
They claim that, according to UCP 500, there can only be one date on the bills, which accordingly is also the actual sending date.
There can only be one transition out of the initial state, and the operation specified for this transition should only be used this once.
As always in the World Cup, there can only be one winner and only time will tell whether this time round it's the octopus or the parakeet.
Since a project is a logical breakdown of a similar set of functionality, there can only be one test datastore for each Rational test project.
However, there is sold in the market of organic cotton products, there can only be one color, can have more color so that color organic cotton products do more?
There can only be one criterion, namely, whether or not he is willing to integrate himself with the broad masses of workers and peasants and does so in practice.
我们有两种道德并行不悖:其一是口讲而 不实行的,其二则是 实行而甚少讲及的。
Legend has it there can only be one of them alive in the world at one time, and now Angus is faced with the challenge of keeping a secret who is growing by leaps and bounds.
In the end, there can be only one Kamen Rider.
On the one hand, there are tiny microbes and they can only be seen through a microscope.
And we need to know that the document can list multiple persons (but nothing will go wrong if there is only one, who can be referred to as either addressbook.person or addressbook.person [0]).
而且我们需要知道该文档可以列出多人(但是,如果只有一个人,他可以作为addressbook . person或addressbook . person[0]来引用,那样也不会发生错误)。
There can be only one Deployment Manager profile for each cell.
There is only one wish realizable on the earth; only one thing that can be perfectly attained: Death.
There can be only one signal handler per signal per process active at any instant.
There can be only one current focus owner at a given time.
There is only one limitation to what can be cached — the item must be an object.
It is important to understand that there can be only one state setting for a given test asset.
There is only one database instead of several which can be used for research purposes.
All three techniques can be used in the same website; there is no need to restrict yourself to only one model.
Unable to increase production - land is limited and there can be only one harvest a year - Bordeaux's leading producers focus relentlessly on quality.
Unable to increase production - land is limited and there can be only one harvest a year - Bordeaux's leading producers focus relentlessly on quality.