There is a Chinese saying that "people are Fuk, the envy of days."
I normally like meat, but there is a Chinese saying, "the meat eaters are the stupid ones".
There is a Chinese saying: "Women can hold up half the sky." Let us just hope that our counterpart is holding up the other half.
There is a chinese saying, "Everyone in the world are brothers and sisters". We should rejoices with her whether she becomes a Singaporean or any other Nationality.
There is a Chinese saying: old saying "whatever", if not the design fee Tanru Jiezhuang enterprise cost and certainly not their printing banknotes to the design center.
There is a famous Chinese saying: one is not a true man unless he climbs up the Great Wall.
There is a saying in Chinese that marriages are made in heaven and prepared on the moon.
There is an old Chinese saying: "A scholar need not leave his home to know what's going on in the world."
There is an old Chinese saying (there always is) but this one I really like – When a storm comes, some build walls, but others build windmills.
我很喜欢一句老话说: “当暴风来临的时候,有些人筑起高墙,但有些人盖起风车。”
Grand Hotels: There is an old Chinese saying that "a new broom sweeps clean". So what are you going to do immediately after your appointment?
There is a popular saying among Chinese enterprises that the top companies sell standards, second-class firms sell brands, and companies at the bottom of the rung simply sell products.
There is an old saying: 'Drinking realgar wine drives diseases and evils away! ' Realgar wine, or xionghuangjiu, is a Chinese alcoholic drink consisting of fermented cereals and powdered realgar.
So there is much that is right about Chinese education and I am not saying that the Western approach is a panacea.
There is a famous saying in Chinese"do not let your children lose at the starting point".
You know, there is a saying in Chinese for the New Year.
There is a saying on how the Chinese will eat anything "with four legs that isn't a table, anything that flies that isn't an airplane, and anything that moves that isn't a bike."
There is an old Chinese saying , a goose feather sent from a thousands of miles away, the gift itself may be small, but the goodwill is deep.
There is a saying in Chinese which says it is always better to teach a person who are hungry to fish than to give him some fish. We can find the deep meaning of …
说的是“送给别人一条鱼能解他一时之饥,却不能解长久之 饥,如果想让他永远有鱼吃,不如教会他捕鱼的方法”,有鱼吃是目的,会钓鱼是 …
As a popular Chinese saying goes, "there is a paradise in heaven, while there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth."
There is a saying in Chinese which says it is always better to teach a person who are hungry to fish than to give him some fish. We can find the deep …
授人以鱼不如授 之 以渔给他鱼吃,不如交给他打渔的方法。说的是传授给人既有知识, 不如传授给人学习知识的方法。道理其实很简单,鱼是目的,钓鱼是 …
There is a saying in Chinese which says it is always better to teach a person who are hungry to fish than to give him some fish. We can find the deep …
授人以鱼不如授 之 以渔给他鱼吃,不如交给他打渔的方法。说的是传授给人既有知识, 不如传授给人学习知识的方法。道理其实很简单,鱼是目的,钓鱼是 …