Those were her precise words, so there can be no denying that it was she who first tempted him.
Here is no denying that there are some differences and sensitive issues between us.
There is no denying that the rise of the computer coupled with the increasing availability of high speed Internet, has made one of the most significant impacts on our lives in the past few years.
There is no denying the fact that he is guilty of murder.
And yet there is no denying that there were ten years of straying still on my to-do list.
There is no denying that coffee is not for everyone.
There is no denying that the entire media industry is grappling with tectonic change.
But there is no denying that Banks compete with buy-out firms, too.
There is no denying that the human body needs outside help by conventional medicine to help it heal at times.
There is no denying that renewable energy is expensive – it is a common complaint here in Lisbon, where residents have seen their electricity bills rise nearly 16% in the last five years.
There's something happening there. There's no denying that. [But] our sense was differentiation could be a pretty big challenge. The risk for commoditization would increase dramatically.
Though different teams still get different amounts and rates of warming in the lower atmosphere, there is no longer any denying that warming is seen.
There is no denying that this practice will appeal to students.
There is no denying that Hanks' iconic voice and star power played a crucial role in the film that started it all.
There is no denying that Hanks’ iconic voice and star power played a crucial role in the film that started it all.
Still, there is no denying that, on most other counts, CFLs are a far better choice than incandescents.
然而,不可否认的是, 凑型荧光灯在其他各方面都要比白炽灯强很多。
While there's no denying that there are hackers out there with bad intentions, they make up only a small percentage of the hacker community.
There is no denying, that as a challenger now, we have a fight on our hands.
There is no denying that our living qualities have gone from bad to worse.
There is no denying the fact that she came here yesterday.
There is no denying that the sales commission is directly responsible for the general high price of medicine, which makes some patients even unable to afford to see doctors.
There is no denying that there are some disputes over territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in this region.
There is no denying that Lin Zhiling is the most charming actress I have ever seen.
There is no denying that the popularity of Flex is largely based on its ability to create a better user experience.
There is no denying that fact.
But there is no denying that Mr Zuckerberg has done much to change, at least, the way people use the Internet.
Although Domino Web Access 6.5.3 with the hotfix runs and performs as expected on the lower-end machines, there is no denying that the newer and more powerful machines result in better performance.
Everyone has certain likes and dislikes, and there is no denying that we all prefer to do the things that we like.
Everyone has certain likes and dislikes, and there is no denying that we all prefer to do the things that we like.