Because of the thermal conductivity of water, and water high into the rock wool products, the coefficient of thermal conductivity will rise dramatically.
The heat conductivity, thermal capacity, pressure and resistance of water are bigger than those of the air, so a person loses more body heat in water and consumes more energy than on land.
The effect of formula and firing system has been probed on the main characteristics of product, such as thermal conductivity, water absorptivity, density and strength.
The test data show that for loess with constant water content, if the density is increased, the coefficient of thermal conductivity and specific volume heat both are increased.
The effects of PVA content on membrane preparation, water uptake, swelling degree, IEC, thermal stability, ionic conductivity and mechanical strength were all investigated.
The components in descending order affecting the thermal conductivity are EPS, FA and water.
The experimental results show that thermal conductivity, thermal capacity and thermal diffusivity of GMZM increase as the dry density and water content increase.
After that it is pointed out that compared with soil density changes, water content change can result in more variations of coefficient of thermal conductivity and specific volume heat of loess.
After that it is pointed out that compared with soil density changes, water content change can result in more variations of coefficient of thermal conductivity and specific volume heat of loess.