This article studies the reaction process and mechanism of calcium silicate thermal insulating material active mortar of hard rankinite type.
The ideal microstructure of the thermal insulating material is discussed, and the microstructure of the thermal insulating material that was prepared by this study is analyzed.
This invention relates to thermal insulating container for cold storage case, thermos or dinner pail, thermal insulating material of said container and method to make up the container.
This material is also applied to various fields, mainly used for aerospace, aviation, electronic, smelting and chemical industries, thermal insulating material and fire resisting material .
The article discussed thermal aging rule of insulating material of power capacitor and the difference between thermal character and aging.
The thermal resistance of the heating part (temperature sensor) is made of metal wire even double wound on the insulating material on the skeleton.
The feasibility of making thermal insulating and waterproof material from fly ash and abandoned plastic foams is discussed. The significance of economic and social benefits is also demonstrated.
The brief analysis shows that the primary factor of effects on heat lose of thermal insulating engineering is thermal conductivity of material.
The utility model discloses a light thermal-insulating marble board, which belongs to thermal-insulating material for building outer walls.
The utility model discloses a light thermal-insulating marble board, which belongs to thermal-insulating material for building outer walls.