As an example, we app it to calculate the thermodynamic potential of two-loop QED and the renormalization.
Consider the thermodynamic potential using the particle-hole oscillator representation. We are going to check if it gives the same result as the canonical Fermi representation.
The dimensional regularization at finite temperature is applied to calculate accurately the thermodynamic potential of two-loop QED and the overlapping divergences at arbitrary gauge.
Thermodynamic equilibrium constants of chemical reactions which involve gaseous phases condensed phases and complex phases are strictly deduced in terms of chemical potential.
Three potential functions are explained by using experimental data of spectrum and thermodynamic data of the solvate.
Pressure intensity and volume of non-ideal gas are revised and its thermodynamic character is discussed by studying the potential energy of L-J.
并从简化的L - J位势出发对非理想气体的压强、体积的修正及其热力学性质进行了讨论。
Presents the thermodynamic principle of an ideal combined cooling, heating and power system and indicates its huge potential in energy saving.
This paper is to get a clear understanding of chemical potential, and introduce the way to calculate the chemical potential of ideal gas with thermodynamic method and physical method.
Corrosion resistance: Titanium is a kind of very active metal with low equilibrium potential and strong trend of thermodynamic corrosion in media.
Corrosion resistance: Titanium is a kind of very active metal with low equilibrium potential and strong trend of thermodynamic corrosion in media.