These are heavyweight, adapter-driven solutions that take months to years to roll out in any meaningful fashion, and often require a lot of code for mapping protocols and data formats along the way.
But these products are still among the least competitive and account for only about 2% of mortgages lent in recent months.
但是,这些产品对购房者影响不大,而且也只是在最近几个月减少了约2 %的按揭贷款。
Of the thousands of stories that have been submitted to MMT in the last eighteen months, these are my personal favorites.
These are steps we know will make a difference in people's lives - not just twenty years from now, or ten years from now, but now, and in the months to come.
All these moves have one thing in common: Millions of investors have acted on the belief that share values are closely related to what will happen in the economy in the next few months and years.
These high risk cattle materials are the brains and spinal cords from cattle 30 months of age and older.
In formulating this approach we have consulted widely with our Asia-Pacific partners, and these are discussions that I look forward to continuing during my upcoming trip and the months ahead.
Since most of these assets are not locked in, GLG expects to lose the bulk of them in coming months.
Although these weapons are not especially sophisticated, months, if not years, of on-the-ground training would still be necessary.
Only free applications are available in these countries by now, but this is supposed to change in the coming months.
The implied volatility of these contracts has shot up in recent months (see chart), indicating that investors are uncertain about long-term interest rates.
Even if his worst electoral fears are realised, Mr Brown could make useful contributions in these fields, and others such as energy security, in the next 28 months.
These months are needed because the process of producing a new vaccine involves many sequential steps, and each of these steps requires a certain amount of time to complete.
We very much share these medium-term concerns, but we are less worried about the next 3-6 months.
我们非常赞同这些中期关注点,但我们对未来3 -6个月并不太担心。
In the months between March and November 2001, the lives of these six characters-like those of so many in the city-are turned inside out.
If you are not afraid of him why do you not deliver him to the Jews who for these six months past have been clamouring for him?
Also, these Numbers are from the third quarter - the months of July, August, and September.
Not only do these practices help assure that components and applications are written right the first time, but that they stay working through months and years of further tweaks and improvements.
The catwalks are traditionally a chance for editors to preview trends six months ahead of the season and to plan how best to present these to the consumer.
Security software maker, Panda Security, recently compiled a list of the most interesting viruses of the past six months. Among these are the creepiest, cleanest and most informative viruses.
Lecture all you want. Follow up in the months to come and tell us how free these people actually are. Who will fill the void?
The full results are not published until today; these will be of relevance only if they indicate a solid direction for yields for coming months.
These frozen foods are the most convenient of all because they can be bought several months before being eaten.
These scenes are possible only during the few months before and after Saturn 's equinox which occurs only once in about 15 Earth years.
Even in these early weeks and months of life, however, infants are able to hear very subtle differences between the sounds of human language.
These are the first photos of the royal children that we've seen in months.
By the time these mice are seven months old they are unable to remember, for example, which arm of a maze they have explored before.
Feel out who you'd love to spend time with because after all, these are the people you will be spending a majority of your time with over the next few months.
Feel out who you'd love to spend time with because after all, these are the people you will be spending a majority of your time with over the next few months.