They accounted for a mere 5 percent of mortgages at the time.
In 1867 they accounted for one-third of Siamese population.
Together, they accounted for approximately 60 per cent of all deaths.
But even at market exchange rates, they accounted for well over half of the increase in global output last year.
Women hae bariatric surgery more often than men. They accounted for more than 99,000 operations, or 82 percent of the total.
They accounted for 76% of new mortgages in the fourth quarter of last year, up from 46% in the second quarter, Mr. Paulson said Wednesday.
At Merrill Lynch and Goldman they accounted for about half of the firms' equity capital last year, up from just over a quarter in 2005.
In 2006 they accounted for 13% of national income, almost double the level of 1990, and their share is due to rise further (see chart 5).
As time goes by, migrant workers are update; the new migrant workers of 80 years are appeared. They accounted for the majority in the team.
Many people blame the Bush tax cuts for the entire ensuing budget deficit, but in fact they accounted for less than half of the lost revenue.
许多人因财政预算赤字而责怪布什减税法案(BushTax cuts),但实际上他们并没有将税收收入减少了一半这一情况考虑在内。
Cars, for example, amounted to less than 1% of Mexico's exports to Canada before the agreement. By 1999, however, they accounted for more than 15%.
To make herself understood, the interpreter was busy explaining carefully the terms involved in the contract and how they accounted for the profits.
More than 70 overseas Banks have set up 238 operating branches in China, but by the end of 2005 they accounted for only 0.55 per cent of local currency loans.
Now, these are two incredibly important institutions. I mean, they accounted for over 40% of the mortgage flow a few years back. Right now I think they're up to 70%.
Although they accounted for only 4% of all children placed each year, they are good at finding homes for older children, and those with special needs and lots of siblings.
They argued that her causal-sounding claims rested on correlational data, and that she had not adequately accounted for other potential causal factors.
Since there is a strong correlation between these variables and a country's wealth, they controlled for GNP per head by measuring whether it alone accounted for the difference in mating strategy.
Over the past 20 years, they have accounted for 41 percent of all gains in U.S. labor productivity-but just 11 percent of private-sector job gains.
In 1970, women accounted for 36 percent of college graduates. Today they account for the majority.
Whereas preterm births accounted for about 5 percent of deliveries, they made up 3.5 percent of children needing special education.
One poll revealed that while children had the vocabulary to be articulate, the words "yeah", "no" and "but" accounted for about 1/3 of all the words they used.
Though smartphones accounted for only about 14 percent of all mobile devices shipped last year, they cooked up 39 percent of the traffic generated on AdMob's network.
Some organizational factors can be accounted for on an ad hoc basis -- as they should be, since their impact can exceed the contribution of more readily quantified factors like technological risks.
In each case, they found that a small number of users accounted for a large number of ratings.
JR, the railway company, reportedthat three passenger trains had not been accounted for as of Saturday night,amid fears that they were swept away by the tsunami.
They set out to discover whether female competition accounted for these impressive armaments, and whether there was a trade-off between horns and fecundity.
And it can take months for inspectors to be confident they have it all more or less accounted for.
And it can take months for inspectors to be confident they have it all more or less accounted for.