There are millions of people, they all need help.
Almost all said that their cell phone was the way they stayed in touch with peers, one-third had used the cell phone to help a peer in need, and about 80% said the phone made them feel safer.
If they need help or have questions, is all of your contact information up to date and easy to find?
But it may yet prove a useful way of thinking about problems, such as managing the Internet, intellectual property or international pollution, on which policymakers need all the help they can get.
Furthermore the large patent offices process an extreme volume of data and need all the help they can get in keeping that data flow clean.
Folks here in Elkhart and all across America need help right now, and they cannot afford to keep on waiting for folks in Washington to get this done.
Research is a collaborative process, so scientists need lab assistants, humanities researchers need library aides and graduate students need all the help they can get.
Interview scripts are useful, because they help researchers remember all of the topics they need to cover.
Still, if public-health officials are to keep ahead of the millions of bacteria and viruses that can potentially make us sick, they're going to need all the help they can get.
In the boom, all that mattered to them was yield, and they did not need help finding it.
In these tough times, young people need all the help they can get.
Additional resources are required to ensure that all disaster victims receive the help they desperately need.
With over 70% of attacks now carried out over the web application level, organisations need all the help they can get in making their systems secure.
Luckily, thanks to all my work with goal setting (and because of my focus on my goals), my Subconscious knows these are the things I need the most help with and that they are very important to me.
That is partly because some of them have products that are rather unexciting, so they need all the help they can get.
He or she may suggest you see a hospital specialist, but most people can get all the help they need from their GP and other health professionals working in the community.
Somehow, they forgot that all those beings are still in transmigration and need help at their level.
And we can help our community colleges arm our workers with the skills they need in a global economy - all without adding a dime to the deficit.
They need to be able to look at all twenty years worth of monthly demand in one session to spot trends that will help them shape a customer's demand properly.
Another trait they all have in common is they get help when they need it.
So acute are the fears that Europe's debt problems will threaten the health of the global economy that she's saying the fund is ready to help all member nations should they need it.
On this World Mental Health Day, let us all show compassion and empathy for those who have survived a crisis and make sure they can access the help they need, for as long as they require it.
It's easy to feel love for our parents and close relatives but really what we need to do is extend these feelings and build upon them so they extend to help all beings.
All emotional needs, the sense of being accepted and of help in everyday life are provided by their family and friends, which is why they say that they 'do not need anyone else.
All emotional needs, the sense of being accepted and of help in everyday life are provided by their family and friends, which is why they say that they 'do not need anyone else.
They were all civilians who stepped up in a time of need to help their fellow citizens.
They were all civilians who stepped up in a time of need to help their fellow citizens.